Thursday, September 3, 2020
Parents Have the Most Important and Lasting Impact on the Overall Development and Socialization of Their Child Free Essays
â€Å"Parents have the most significant and enduring effect on the general turn of events and socialization of their kid. †As youngsters grow up, there are numerous variables which impact their perspectives and practices. It is commonly gained first from their folks, at that point the socialization. We will compose a custom article test on Guardians Have the Most Important and Lasting Impact on the Overall Development and Socialization of Their Child or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now This announcement gives us that right structure various parts, which are sociological hypotheses, the job of guardians and child rearing styles, care by others and the impact of society. As per two of the sociological hypotheses are functionalism and frameworks hypothesis. Functionalism endeavors to clarify how a general public is sorted out to play out its necessary capacities successfully; it centers around how the structures work inside society. Guardians have their own obligation in the families, they add the idea of proliferation to their kids, in light of the fact that a populace development can get wealthier; to deal with the kids who can't like themselves; they are duty showing the associating to the them; and controlling the conduct of their kids. It is significant and having profoundly sway on the improvement of their youngsters. Frameworks hypothesis is the other sociological hypothesis that endeavors to clarify how gatherings of people interface as a framework, a lot of various parts that cooperate and impact each other in a moderately steady manner after some time. Guardians have various pieces of obligations regarding their kids before their youngsters grow up. Moms need to deal with them and showing the associating to them. Fathers need to add the idea of propagation to their youngsters. After some time, youngsters ingest the idea structure their folks, with the goal that guardians have a huge pieces of effect for them. Quite a while prior, human had isolated by various little towns. Them two are freedom that has not been affected by the others. They additionally are independence. Everybody has their own ability, for example, chasing, waving, cultivating, etc. In that time, family needed to give their monetary needs, which are nourishments and garments, for the more youthful and more seasoned individuals. Their obligation is showing their youngsters the aptitudes, information, qualities, and perspectives of their general public, kids who get familiar with these can work and identify with others inside proper grown-up jobs. In modern unrest was acquiring a phenomenal change the human family framework; kids and ladies were especially in jobs. In that time, the economy moved from independence to business which depends on plant creation in the city or town, and somebody work outside the family home to procure a pay to accommodate family. Fathers were the cash workers who attempted to accommodate their spouses and kids; moms were nurturers who worked at home and upheld monetarily by their husbands. These days, family fabricate a cozy relationship, they will give the entirety of the help to the next part. In this century, fathers are as yet procuring cash; the greater part of the moms are attempting to share the duty of their spouses, some of them leave their work and care for their kids. They need to ingrain the diverse idea about society and multiplication to their future. At the point when youngsters were grown up, they need to assume the liability that take care of their folks; in any case, guardians will concern their kids about their work, and help them to take care of the issues. In this days and ages, guardians are for the most part assuming in significant jobs for their folks. Child rearing styles are one of the other significant sides in helping guardians create positive effects on their youngsters. The ordinarily perspectives on the family directly affect child rearing and parent-kid connections. Guardians who have a high estimation of profession and work achievement will concentrate on an alternate an incentive on family time and time with their kids than the less. Guardians who esteem the objectives and requirements of people over the family will make some troublesome memories requiring their own should be postponed to think about relatives. Guardians who are caught up with satisfying their individual needs may not set aside a great deal of effort to parent in a popularity based or supporting way. Rather, they may utilize discipline to get their kids to stay under control. Guardians who invest a lot of energy with their kids become more acquainted with them better and become progressively touchy to their requirements. Three fundamental styles of child rearing have been thought of: legitimate, dictator and lenient. There has been an attention on legitimate child rearing, which is portrayed by warm, backing, acknowledgment and circuitous positive control of the youngsters. It is contrasted with tyrant child rearing, which is recognized by progressively parental control and utilization of discipline, just as to tolerant child rearing, which is encapsulated by barely any guidelines and by the kids controlling the family circumstances. Youngsters raised by legitimate guardians are better modification of mental and have a superior self-idea. Interestingly, dictator guardians utilize increasingly physical discipline, which has been appeared to contrarily influence the child’s alteration, particularly on the off chance that it is extreme and incessant. Kids who experience this sort of child rearing feel dismissed by their folks. They additionally will in general have more issues with mental change. Youngsters raised by lenient guardians who offer a lot of warmth and consolation will in general be progressively reckless, rash and youthful, while kids raised by tolerant guardians who are antagonistic and dismissing will in general be whimsical, restless, and sincerely devastated. Antagonistic child rearing practices, for example, cruel control, unsuppressed annoyance, and utilization of negative remarks, have been appeared to prompt kids with low scores in their capacity to coexist with others. Being raised by a threatening guardian impacts child’s capacity to frame positive connections than some other part of a child’s family foundation. Positive child rearing practices bring about positive scores in social connections, helping conduct, and engine and social turn of events. By and large, the style of child rearing is one of the most significant and enduring effects on the general turn of events and socialization of a kid. These days, there are a great deal guardians passed their youngsters by babysitter or kid care focus, on account of their employments. There are a great deal of instances of kid misuse, its vast majority are not manhandled by their folks, is caretaker or the educator in kid care focus. They will rebuff and flogging them, since they are boisterous. I have an encounter on it. My companion had mishandled by her caretaker when she was youthful. At the point when she was 7, her parent is occupied on their activity, they are attempting to high esteem vocation, and they don't have whenever to care for her. So they let the caretaker to deal with my companion. The babysitter didn't take care of her pleasantly, in addition hurt her. The caretaker utilize the holder to get her and rebuff her, the babysitter put all the focus on her. Did the babysitter feel that she only a multi year-old young lady, she may change the conduct as a result of this case. At long last, her parent realized this case terminated the caretaker and remuneration claims. Be that as it may, my companion gets a major defining moment on it. She doesn't confide in anybody more and not contact with individuals. Be that as it may, society likewise can affect on the general turn of events and socialization of the kids. There are loads of alluring exercises, for example, medications, liquor, and cigarette, etc, in the general public, kids will feel inquisitive. Youngsters might be along with the miscreants who with influence their conduct. Nonetheless, if guardians discipline their youngsters in the most ideal manners, kids can't affected by the others. Along these lines, guardians are significant and enduring effect on the general turn of events and socialization of their kid. Step by step instructions to refer to Parents Have the Most Important and Lasting Impact on the Overall Development and Socialization of Their Child, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corruption and Nepotism Essays
Defilement and Nepotism Essays Defilement and Nepotism Essay Defilement and Nepotism Essay Defilement in India is an outcome of the nexus between Bureaucracy, legislative issues and crooks. India is currently not, at this point thought about a delicate state. It has now become a thought state where everything can be had for a thought. Today, the quantity of priests with a genuine picture can be depended on fingers. At once, pay off was paid for completing incorrectly things yet now pay off is paid for completing right things at perfect time. In India, debasement assaults the key estimations of human poise and political balance of the individuals and consequently there is a squeezing need to plan a key human right to defilement free assistance. The improvement of a central human right to a defilement free society will be watched at first from a global point of view to hoist the infringement of this privilege to the status of a worldwide wrongdoing. This would give the similar premise to raise the privilege to defilement free support of the status of an essential right inside the system of the Indian Constitution. One of the meanings of the term debasement is offering something to somebody with power so he will mishandle his capacity and act preferring the provider. Another definition is the contribution, giving, requesting or acknowledgment of a prompting or prize, which may impact the activity of any individual. It incorporates pay off and coercion which include in any event two gatherings, and different sorts of impropriety that an open authority can submit alone, including misrepresentation and theft. The assignment of open resources for private use and the misappropriation of open assets by legislators and civil servants have such clear and direct unfavorable effect on Indias monetary advancement that their expenses don't warrant any complex financial investigation. There are numerous legends about defilement, which must be detonated in the event that we truly need to battle it. A portion of these fantasies are: Corruption is a lifestyle and there is no hope about it. Just individuals from immature or creating nations are inclined to debasement. We should make preparations for all these rough deceptions while arranging measures to battle debasement. The noteworthiness of defilement as a factor that unfavorably influences the development of a nation is as a rule progressively perceived. Debasement, in the expressions of Indira Gandhi, is a world marvel. It exists in created nations as well. Defilement is regulated as a piece of the popularity based procedure in the USA as campaigning and advertising exercises and the nation prides in its mushrooming campaigning and advertising firms with major remote governments bury partners as its customers. The organizations are only mammoth business houses enjoying lawful defilement. This no how legitimizes defilement other where. Indian debasement has uncommon qualities that make it undeniably more harming than defilement in different pieces of the world. Initially, individuals in India being poor and to a great extent reliant on the Government for tolerable living and even endurance, and restricted by its over the top laws, rules, guidelines and liberality in practically all exercises of existence with high paces of tax collection on each possible things and administrations, debasement actually drains life out of their reality not at all like those in created nations whose reliance on the Government is generally not all that profound and prelate. This renders defilement in India a very risky wonder with terminal outcomes on the way of life, esteem framework and the quality and the substance of the life of the individuals. Second, defilement in India streams down from above. Debasement at the top influences key choices and strategies with clearing suggestions while center choices in created nations are taken on merit through straightforward rivalry. The boss financial outcomes of debasement are the misfortune to the exchequer, an unfortunate atmosphere for speculation and an expansion in the expense of government-sponsored administrations. India despite everything positions in the base quartile of creating countries regarding the simplicity of working together, and contrasted with China and other lower created Asian countries, the normal time taken to make sure about the clearances for a startup or to conjure insolvency is a lot more noteworthy. Nepotism Introduction: Nepotism is the demonstration of preferring family members over different workers. The word nepotism is gotten from the Latin word ‘nepote’ which implies grandson or nephew. Nepotism in the working environment emerges when managers favor family members in their business choices, with little thought for the prerequisites of a position. Ability and experience are rejected making a degenerate domain in the work environment. Nepotism is considered wherever as an out of line rehearses however basic in numerous little organizations and non-benefit associations. There is no severe law recorded as a hard copy expressing that nepotism is disallowed, yet there are various enemy of nepotism policies†that shield the administration offices and open establishments as it were. Hostile to nepotism strategies forestalls family members, regardless of whether by blood or union with work in a similar firm or office. Many think about this as unjustifiable treatment and even a few states consider business against nepotism approaches to be prejudicial based on conjugal status, on the off chance that they deflect qualified wedded couples from cooperating and numerous multiple times both the man and the lady are unreasonably important for an organization to pick one of them. In numerous family claimed organizations, nepotism is viewed as entirely great and an equivalent word for progress since expenses can be cut if the relatives are prepared in different parts of the board to guarantee congruity of the firm. Nepotism doesn't mull over whether the individual they are going to enlist is fit for the activity, fit for the way of life, would roll out huge constructive improvements or not, however they enlist in any case out of consideration for that individual uninformed that his/her absence of fitness can cause the business grave misfortunes monetarily and profitability insightful. As and when a vocation opening happens the selection representative must follow the right, legitimate and reasonable technique of enrolling to maintain a strategic distance from lawful issues and worker turnover. Debasement and Nepotism at Organization level: Debasement as a serious burden is reflected by contemptibility and deceitfulness, which both hurt a firm’s serious situation in the market. A trade accomplice deserving of trust is one that won't abuse other’s trade vulnerabilities. Despite the fact that trust is a property of a connection between trade accomplices, dependability is a trait of individual trade accomplices. Validity is a significant asset that makes upper hand and recognizes a firm from different adversaries. Debasement and pay off, nonetheless, encourage unscrupulousness and scatter believability. At the point when a firm is engaged with debasement and pay off, different firms will see it as problematic and stay away from it. Untrustworthiness and lack of quality along these lines demolish, as opposed to animate, business systems. The illegal idea of defilement reflects an individual or hierarchical conniving. Being well behaved is an essential component for corporate notoriety and Trustworthiness. Since authoritative reliability is, in huge part, implanted in top Managers’ validity and genuineness, debasement enduringly affects the firm except if these administrators are expelled from the association. In an inexorably serious condition, long haul associations with providers, purchasers, merchants, and different firms influencing a firm’s in reverse or forward worth chain become principal. A break in such long haul connections because of defilement longitudinally and on a very basic level hampers a firm’s advertise notoriety and upper hands. Renovating former connections and starting new systems may take years if a frequency of defilement or pay off happens. Additionally, lack of quality and deceitfulness emerging from defilement lessen shopper trust in a firm’s support and dissolve buyer reliability. This further expands a firm’s serious burden in the market. In the view of most shoppers, corporate pay off or debasement suggests hierarchical ailment and operational lack. It abuses business morals and a safe distance business standards. Since top directors are pretty much engaged with degenerate exercises, defilement suggests tricky hierarchical administration and sick business ethical quality. Under such initiative, it is reasonably outlandish for a firm to have an imaginative culture, proficient organization, straightforward correspondence, powerful data stream and gainful coordinated effort across offices or divisions inside a firm. Debasement is a hierarchical pathology that outcomes from obstructions made by the bureaucratic structure . Its fundamental topic is the powerlessness of bureaucratic associations to achieve open purposes in light of the fact that there are sure intrinsic attributes in each authoritative framework that is unfavorable to legit conduct. Plainly the administration isn't so unadulterated from within. So it isn't unexpected to locate that hierarchical authorities are persuaded to make enlightening systems of companions, favor beneficiaries, agreements, and correspondence joins dependent on essentially close to home, instead of legitimate associations with others. Nor is it surprising that association that can't charge cash for their administrations must create nonmonetary expenses to force on their customers as methods for apportioning their yields.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Marketing Mix an Example of the Topic Business Essays by
The Marketing Mix The promoting blend is the arrangement of showcasing instruments the firm uses to seek after its advertising goals in the objective market. McCarthy ordered these instruments into four general gatherings that he called the four Ps of showcasing: item, value, spot, and advancement. (Kotler. P, 2003) Need exposition test on The Marketing Mix theme? We will compose a custom exposition test explicitly for you Continue The showcasing blend of item, value, advancement and spot for cleanser soccer are as portrayed underneath: Item The item blend of an organization, which is commonly characterized as the all out composite of items offered by a specific association, comprises of both product offerings and individual items. (Item blend, Encyclopedia of Business and Finance) Our item comprises of offering of a soccer playing office to the youngsters in a foamy domain where the playing of the game will be a difficult issue. Cost The evaluating of a specific item relies upon various factors, for example, the interest for the item (higher the interest, higher the cost and the other way around), the situating of the item (climate the item is situated as a top notch brand or an economy brand), the cost at which the contender is offering a similar item and so forth The estimating systems ought to be in accordance with the valuing objective. Our fundamental point is to make Soap soccer mainstream among the youngsters and to make countless youngsters to utilize our item. So as to accomplish this target, well need to value the item at a low cost with the goal that more youthful populace who will in general have a lower discretionary cashflow could stand to benefit our gaming offices at cleanser soccer. Progressively over the peripheral expense of permitting one additional individual to play in cleanser soccer will be less and by estimating our item low, increasingly number of individuals will utilize our offices therefore well have a higher income. Advancement Explicit mix of special techniques, for example, print or communicate publicizing, direct promoting, individual selling, retail location show, marketing, and so on, utilized for one item or a group of items. Advancement of an item or an assistance should be possible through different methods, for example, promoting, direct advertising, individual selling, advertising and so forth... While advancing, either pull technique where the client is pulled to the item or a push methodology where the item is pushed to the client can be utilized. To advance our item, pull technique is to be utilized and this special crusade ought to be in accordance with the Governments wellbeing effort activity. The item ought to be advanced for the sort of medical advantages that it offers. The Governments wellbeing effort makes the adolescent more wellbeing cognizant and our wellbeing effort will draw in those wellbeing cognizant individuals. Limited time crusades could be run on collection/college news papers, hoardings close to the schools/colleges. Games in the schools could be supported by cleanser soccer to pick up millage through great advertising. Spot (appropriation) Spot alludes to the methods by which your client gets your item. This incorporates the real spot it is bought (the shop, the phone, the website page, the stockroom) just as the real course of dispersion. (Advertising Mix - Place) Cleanser soccer ought to be situated in such a spot which is effectively open to the youths. It will along these lines be situated close to universities and schools with the goal that understudies can have simple access to cleanser soccer. It tends to be situated close to open parks or open play grounds where individuals come to play. This offers availability to the spot as well as expands the quantity of guests to the inside. References Kotler P, (2003). Characterizing promoting for the twenty-first century, Marketing Management (P 15). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Promoting Mix - Place. Retrived May 16, 2009, from Item blend. (n.d.) In Encyclopedia of Business and Finance. Advancement blend, (n.d.) In
Saturday, June 6, 2020
SAT Writing Everything You Need to Know About Pronouns
Oh, pronouns. They are so simple, and yet can be so tricky, especially pronouns on the SAT. Even if you haven’t had a grammar lesson in years, you probably remember what a pronoun is, but just in case, let’s refresh. Pronouns replace nouns in our writing and help us avoid repetition of the same nouns over and over. Nouns themselves are versatile and can be used in different ways. As a result, there are many types of pronouns, each with its own purpose. Subjective Pronouns vs Objective Pronouns on the SAT These are the classic pronouns.  Of all the types, they appear the most in our speech and writing and are the ones most often used incorrectly. Subjective pronouns replace nouns that are the subjects of their sentences: I, We, You, It, He, She, They, Who, Whoever Objective pronouns replace the objects of sentences, which are the nouns that are being acted upon instead of doing something themselves: Me, Us, You, It, Him, Her, Them, Whom, Whomever Example 1: Tim and I ate chicken noodle soup for lunch. Example 2: The artist painted a portrait of my dog and me. Both of the examples above use pronouns correctly: the first uses â€Å"I†as part of the subject eating soup and the second uses â€Å"me†as part of the object being painted. If these compound subjects or objects tend to confuse you, try reading the sentence with only one of the subjects or objects at a time. That usually makes it easier to spot if anything is wrong. Notice that you and it work as both subjective and objective pronouns. Possessive Pronouns on the SAT These pronouns are used when the noun they represent owns something. Some only appear directly before the item they possess: My, Her, Your, Their, Its Others can be used without clarification of what they possess: Mine, Hers, Yours, Theirs, His Example 3: Her dress has a large stain on its front. Example 4: That book is hers. Note that, unlike possessive nouns, possessive pronouns do not require apostrophes. Relative Pronouns on the SAT These are special pronouns that are used to introduce relative clauses, which relate nouns to ideas within sentences. Some are reserved for use with people or personified things/animals: Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever Others can be applied to all nouns: That, Which, Whichever Relative pronouns can be tricky because they come with a punctuation quirk. When a relative clause is essential to the definition of a noun within a sentence, no comma is used to connect that clause to the rest of the sentence. However, a comma is required when the relative clause is not essential for a reader to understand the sentence. Example 5: Mercedes, who has been studying history, will teach the class. Example 6: The man who is standing by the river looks sad. In example 5, the fact that Mercedes has been studying history is nice to know but doesn’t matter to the core fact that she is teaching the class. In example 6, however, removing the clause â€Å"who is standing by the river†would create some confusion about what man the sentence refers to. A solid grasp of subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns is essential for students who want to do well on the SAT Writing. Relative pronouns appear less often, but understanding them will set you up for success, no matter what type of pronouns the test throws at you.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Biography of Konrad Zuse, Inventor of Modern Computers
Konrad Zuse (June 22, 1910–December 18, 1995) earned the semi-official title of inventor of the modern computer for his series of automatic calculators, which he invented to help with his lengthy engineering calculations. Zuse modestly dismissed the title, though, praising the inventions of his contemporaries and successors as being equallyâ€â€if not moreâ€â€important than his own. Fast Facts: Konrad Zuse Known For: Inventor of the first electronic, fully programmable digital computers, and a programming languageBorn: June 22, 1910 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, GermanyParents: Emil Wilhelm Albert Zuse and Maria Crohn ZuseDied: December 18, 1995 in Hà ¼nfeld (near Fulda), GermanySpouse: Gisela Ruth BrandesChildren: Horst, Klaus Peter, Monika, Hannelore Birgit, and Friedrich Zuse Early Life Konrad Zuse was born on June 22, 1910, in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany, and was the second of the two children of the Prussian civil servant and postal officer Emil Wilhelm Albert Zuse and his wife Maria Crohn Zuse. Konrads sister was named Lieselotte. He attended a series of grammar schools and briefly considered a career in art, but he eventually enrolled at the Technical College (Technischen Hochschule) in Berlin-Charlottenburg, graduating with a degree in civil engineering in 1935. After graduation, he started work as a design engineer at the Henschel Flugzeugwerke (Henschel aircraft factory) in Berlin-Schà ¶nefeld. He resigned a year later after deciding to devote his life entirely to the construction of a computer, work that he pursued relentlessly between 1936 and 1964. The Z1 Calculator One of the most difficult aspects of performing large calculations with slide rules or mechanical adding machines is keeping track of all the intermediate results and using them in their proper place during the later steps of the calculation. Zuse wanted to overcome that difficulty. He realized that an automatic calculator would require three basic elements: a control, a memory, and a calculator for the arithmetic. Zuse made a mechanical calculator called the Z1 in 1936. This was the first binary computer. He used it to explore several groundbreaking technologies in calculator development: floating-point arithmetic, high-capacity memory, and modules or relays operating on the yes/no principle. Electronic, Fully Programmable Digital Computers Zuses ideas were not fully implemented in the Z1 but they succeeded more with each Z prototype. Zuse completed the Z2, the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer in 1939, and the Z3 in 1941. The Z3 used recycled materials donated by fellow university staff and students. It was the worlds first electronic, fully programmable digital computer based on a binary floating-point number and a switching system. Zuse used old movie film to store his programs and data for the Z3 instead of paper tape or punched cards. Paper was in short supply in Germany during the war. According to The Life and Work of Konrad Zuse by Horst Zuse: In 1941, the Z3 contained almost all the features of a modern computer as defined by John von Neumann and his colleagues in 1946. The only exception was the ability to store the program in the memory together with the data. Konrad Zuse did not implement this feature in the Z3 because his 64-word memory was too small to support this mode of operation. Due to the fact that he wanted to calculate thousands of instructions in a meaningful order, he only used the memory to store values or numbers. The block structure of the Z3 is very similar to a modern computer. The Z3 consisted of separate units, such as a punch tape reader, control unit, floating-point arithmetic unit, and input/output devices.†Marriage and Family In 1945, Zuse married one of his employees, Gisela Ruth Brandes. They had five children: Horst, Klaus Peter, Monika, Hannelore Birgit, and Friedrich Zuse. The First Algorithmic Programming Language Zuse wrote the first algorithmic programming language in 1946. He called it Plankalkà ¼l and used it to program his computers. He wrote the worlds first chess-playing program using Plankalkà ¼l. The Plankalkà ¼l language included arrays and records and used a style of assignmentâ€â€storing the value of an expression in a variableâ€â€in which the new value appears in the right column. An array is a collection of identically typed data items distinguished by their indices or subscripts,†such as A[i,j,k], in which A is the array name and ​i, j, and k are the indices. Arrays are best when accessed in an unpredictable order. This is in contrast to lists, which are best when accessed sequentially. World War II Zuse was unable to convince the Nazi government to support his work for a computer based on electronic valves. The Germans thought they were close to winning the war and felt no need to support further research. The Z1 through Z3 models were shuttered, along with Zuse Apparatebau, the first computer company that Zuse formed in 1940. Zuse left for Zurich to finish his work on the Z4, which he smuggled from Germany in a military truck by hiding it in stables en route to Switzerland. He completed and installed the Z4 in the Applied Mathematics Division of Zurichs Federal Polytechnical Institute, where it remained in use until 1955. The Z4 had a mechanical memory with a capacity of 1,024 words and several card readers. Zuse no longer had to use movie film to store programs since he could now use punch cards. The Z4 had punches and various facilities to enable flexible programming, including address translation and conditional branching. Zuse moved back to Germany in 1949 to form a second company called Zuse KG for the construction and marketing of his designs. Zuse rebuilt models of the Z3 in 1960 and the Z1 in 1984. Death and Legacy Konrad Zuse died on December 18, 1995, of a heart attack, in Hà ¼nfeld, Germany. His innovations of fully working programmable calculators and a language to run it have established him as one of the innovators leading to the computing industry. Sources Dalakov, Georgi. Biography of Konrad Zuse. History of Computers. 1999.Zuse, Horst. Konrad Zuseâ€â€Biography. Konrad Zuse Homepage. 2013.Zuse, Konrad. The Computer, My Life. Trans. McKenna, Patricia and J. Andrew Ross. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1993.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The War Of The Vietnam War - 752 Words
War is something of a desideratum and an atrocious entity. It sparks contentious discourses, and is often declared following such events. The Vietnam War is notably one war that has enraged many American citizens thereafter. It is understandable that President Kennedy would want to become involved in a war that is governmentally motivated; we have war to overthrow regimes and conquer land. Moreover, a possible cause of the Vietnam War could have been to overthrow the Communist regime so that no more people would be forced to live in the sphere of a homologous influence. (Source E) In due time the question became: what is more detrimental, having engaged in war, or having remained pacifistic? Both have consequences, both have casualties. President Kennedy decided to become socially involved- he initiated the Strategic Hamlet Program that â€Å" rounded up villagers and placed them in safe hamlets constructed by the GVN. The idea was to isolate the NLF from villagers, its base of supp ort. This culturally-insensitive plan produced limited results and further alienated the peasants from the Saigon regime. Through much of Diem s reign, rural Vietnamese had viewed the GVN as a distant annoyance, but the Strategic Hamlet Program brought the GVN to the countryside. The Saigon regime s reactive policies ironically produced more cadres for the NLF. â€Å" (Source D) Succinctly, the effect proved more fruitful for the NLF than the GVN. Because Kennedy decided to be culturally invasive, heShow MoreRelatedThe War Of Vietnam And The Vietnam War1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe war in Vietnam is The United States and other capitalist bloc countries supported South Vietnam (Republic of Vietnam) against the support by the Soviet Union and other socialist bloc countries of North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and the Vietcong of war. Which occurred during the Cold War of Vietnam (main battlefield), Laos, and Cambodia. This is the biggest and longtime war in American his tory during the 1960s (Best 2008). It is also the most significant war after World War IIRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1475 Words  | 6 Pageson one such event, the Vietnam War, came from entertainment-based programs and the play Miss Saigon. Despite heavy coverage in such well-known comedic films as Forrest Gump and Good Morning Vietnam, the true events were anything but a laugh for those involved. In spite of the relative recentness of the events in Vietnam, many of today’s youths know little about the topic. The events in Vietnam raise the ever-present question on the ethics of third party involvement in a war otherwise unrelated toRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1729 Words  | 7 Pagesspread of communism all around the world. This is what lead to the gruesome war that lasted over a decade in Vietnam. A great deal of social changed happened all over the world, but particularly in America as the Vietnam War dragged on. As people became more aware of the atro cities going on in Southeast Asia, the endless domestic support turned into widespread explosive protest. During the first few years of the Vietnam conflict, Americans full heartedly supported the United States and its governmentRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1379 Words  | 6 Pagestensions over the Vietnam war caused many americans to become divided on the actions taken by the government across seas. Americans questioned whether the government could be trusted. The feeling of betrayal and government secrecy created the â€Å"Credibility Gap,†in which many americans believed that the government no longer was for the people, but for anything else that would benefit the government. The Vietnam War exacerbated the gap between the pro-war traditionalists and anti-war liberals along withRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1430 Words  | 6 Pagesended in 1989, the Vietnam war is still being fought, but on a different battlefield, one of public opinion. Some call this war an atrocity, a war the United States should never have joined. Others call it a crime, committed by the power hungry politicians of the U.S. Now that new information from both sides of the war has surfaced and the wounds of battle have had more time to heal there is yet another opinion emerging. The Vietnam War was in fact only one of many proxy wars fought under the umbrellaRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1155 Words  | 5 PagesThe Vietnam War cost many Americans their lives in the 60s and 70s. Many were drafted into the war by choice and others selectively chosen to join to help America. The contributions made had a major impact on the American side of the Vietnam War. Though many contributions were made none stand out any more than others. It is sometimes said there is always a hero in the war who helped the victory. Wars, however, do not have war heroes because a hero is making an undeniable contribution to the war andRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1592 Words  | 7 PagesThe Vietnam War was said to be one of the most significant wars in the twentieth century. This w ar took place from November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975. It was at the time, the longest war in American history. Much of the conflict was centered in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. During that time, approximately 58,219 US troops were killed in action. The reason America got involved in the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism in South East Asia and beyond. â€Å"America’s involvement in Vietnam derivedRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1204 Words  | 5 Pagesus†¦ When that is the way you are, how do you conduct your life?†The Vietnam War killed over fifty eight thousand Americans and over 61% of the men killed were 21 years or younger. Most Americans are conflicted with the fact whether the Anti War Movement played a factor in prolonging the Vietnamese War. â€Å"In every story there are two sides and in between lies the truth.†Anonymous The United States become involved in Vietnam after the French withdrew when the Republican President Dwight EisenhowerRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War877 Words  | 4 PagesAnother big difference in this war was that the Vietnam War was had more disapproval and was more expressive within the American public, unlike the Korean War. The ANITWAR MOVEMENT started in the 1960s this group was never enacted until this era. There was not a group like this in Vietnam, but there were many groups that opposed the war. The main object of these revolts was the American military presence in Indochina. The ANITWAR MOVEMENT caused an influence not only socially, but also in the realmRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1421 Words  | 6 PagesIn July and August of 1972, Jane Fonda made radio broadcasts from Hanoi that changed the way Americans thought of the Vietnam war and of her. To this day, many people view her as a traitor and criticise her actions in Vietnam; however, some people we re truly inspired by her words and what she had to say. Despite people s personal opinions, Fonda was a powerful speaker and knew how to convey her message to her audience. She tried to convince people that the American government and military were the
A Walk To Remember Essay Example For Students
A Walk To Remember Essay I have chosen to analyse A Walk To Remember as it is also a romantic comedy and has similar qualities to my fictional film. The poster has a white background, which represents purity and virginity. The title is written at the bottom of the page in white writing with a blue background. To me, the contrast of the white against the blue is immediately striking. This then makes you read the title, which creates the enigma of What do they mean by a walk to remember? This may persuade someone to see the film. I think having a contrast of colours on the title and background would be suitable for my poster, as I dont think the film will be sold on its plot alone. The poster also includes comments from press, which a lot of people will think is helpful when deciding to see a film. The stars names Mandy Moore and Shane West create the brand identity of this film. Having the names of the stars on the poster will attract the target audience that in this case is teenagers. Teenagers usually look at who is starring in the film when deciding what to see, this is usually because they are fans of them or feel attracted to the actor/actress. The pictures of the characters are set in opposition to each other. The girl looks innocent and slightly seductive whereas the boy looks serious and slightly cocky. The way characters are positioned on a poster is important. It creates enigmas and allows you to try and see if you can figure out what might happen. In this case from looking at them I think that maybe something happens between the two characters. The background of this poster is again white. From researching on the Internet I have discovered that most romantic comedies have white backgrounds on their posters. I think this is because white connotes purity and most romantic comedies are about two people meeting and falling in love. The title of the film Just Married is written in half red half white. The red connotes love and passion, which is a suggestive give away of what the film is about. The title denotes wedded bliss and a honeymoon but the illustrations on the poster connotes mistrays, frustration and therefore humour. Again the actors/actresses names are on the poster. Theyre not that big but are bold and in capital letters. The names arent that eye-catching and it makes you focus more on the actual pictures on the poster. The images of the characters are very different from each other. The girl Brittany Murphy looks bored and angry and the way she is sitting tells us that maybe the couple have had an argument. Ashton Kutchers body language is very open and relaxed. This tells us that he doesnt seem that bothered that the female isnt talking to him. He seems very playful as hes looking up at the insect above him. The images of the dog and car creates enigmas like I wonder what happened to that car? and Why arent they talking to each other? From looking at this poster I would think it was about a couple that had just got married and a lot of things had gone wrong. The poster has no release date on it that maybe tells us that the poster was released once the film was out at the cinema. It also has no comments from the press. This isnt always a good idea to have as it could take away the focus from the actual contents on the poster or the poster itself. .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .postImageUrl , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:hover , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:visited , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:active { border:0!important; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:active , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dementia in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty EssayI think this poster would stand out from the rest when deciding to see a film as it has images which make the film look entertaining and amusing for example, the smashed up car. This is one of the very few romantic comedy posters, which has a colour other than white as a background. Blue connotes coldness and cleanliness. Having a Manhattan skyline in the background makes the setting very obvious. New York is a big, bustling city that tells us that their lives are as busy and hectic as the city itself. The title Two Weeks Notice doesnt give away what the film could possibly be about. It tells us that something is going to happen in two weeks or he/she has given someone two weeks notice to do something. What, we dont know. This creates many enigmas like Two weeks to do what? and What have they got two weeks to do? The actors names are written along the top of the poster. If people were deciding what to see by looking at posters this film would sell by the actors or actresses. Hugh Grant is a very popular actor liked by a wide range of people, mainly young women. Young women again usually like Sandra Bullock. From the names of the actors you can guess the target audience: young women and teenagers. Hugh Grant frequently stars in films dealing with real life issues for example Bridget Jones Diary and Billy Elliot with the exception of About A Boy so I presume this is the same. The image of the couple shows them interdependent but also in opposition to each one another. This tells us that they somehow are a couple but are against each other in another way.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Pride And Pejudice Essays - Pride And Prejudice, Bennet Family
Pride And Pejudice Family Ties In Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice, she created a realistic family image, by introducing some of the imperfections that many families encounter. The Bennet family, consisting of five daughters, a marriage obsessed mother, and an unhappily married father, contain many of these difficulties. Throughout the love, joy, heartache and pain, which evolved from the series of events the Bennet family encountered, one character in particular, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, viewed her family from another perspective. Elizabeth Bennet, though a very loving and respectable woman, had developed a rather poor opinion of her family: Had Elizabeth's opinion been all drawn from her own family, she could not have formed a very pleasing picture of conjugal felicity or domestic comfort(Pg. 209). As the second daughter of her family, Elizabeth had to deal with the many discomforts of being a daughter of five. Though Elizabeth loved her sisters dearly, she found it difficult not to see the differences between them, and in turn, each of their actions contributed to her perspective of her family. One sister in particular, Miss Lydia Bennet, caused Elizabeth the greatest concern. Lydia was a self-willed and careless(Pg.189) individual that cared only about men and marriage. As one of the youngest sisters, Lydia felt neglected from the opportunities her eldest sisters received. In turn, Lydia became the flirt of the family, causing embarrassment not only to herself, but as well to her family. When Lydia eloped t o London, Elizabeth feared that the source of her behavior was derived from the negative behavior of her parents. Not only did Elizabeth fear for Lydia's sake, she feared as well for her other sister, Catherine, who was under the direct influence of Lydia: Catherine, weak-spirited, irritable, and completely under Lydia's guidance(Pg.189). While supported by their mother's indulgence(Pg.189), the two ignorant, idle, and vain(Pg189) sisters, was a subject that Jane and Elizabeth often united to check the imprudence of Catherine and Lydia.(Pg.189). Besides the poorly thought out actions of Catherine and Lydia, Elizabeth had no problems with her other sister Mary, who mainly kept to herself, and Jane, the eldest sister, whom she shared a very close friendship with. Besides the faults of some of Elizabeth's sisters, one of the biggest faults of their family was the relationship between her father, Mr. Bennet, and her mother, Mrs. Bennet: she had never felt so strongly as now, the disadvantages which must attend the children of so unsuitable a marriage(Pg.210). Though Elizabeth loved her father dearly, she was unable to be blind to the impropriety of her father's behaviour as a husband(Pg.209). Though made up of an odd mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice(Pg.3), he was a man of few words and was clearly unable to make his wife understand his character(Pg.3). In the decade of the Bennets, marriage was clearly seen through beauty and fortune. It became evident, after resentment had settled in, that Mr. Bennet had married for other reasons besides love: Her father captivated by youth and beauty/ had married a woman whose weak understandings and illiberal mind, had very early in their marriage put an end to all real affectio n for her(Pg.209). Mr. Bennet's poor decision making had indeed hurt Elizabeth and impacted her opinion of her family, but by respecting his abilities(Pg.209), and being grateful for his affectionate treatment of herself(Pg.209), Elizabeth knew that her father was a man of good intentions. Besides the impression Mr. Bennet's faults had on Elizabeth, her mother's faults as well, contributed much to Elizabeth's poor opinion. Mrs. Bennet had not made marriage between her and Mr. Bennet any easier as her ignorance and folly had contributed to his amusement(Pg.3). She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper(Pg.3). Elizabeth found it difficult to deal with her mother's improper judgement and nervous behaviour. Mrs. Bennet often over exaggerated small incidents and was very demanding in her ways. As a mother of five daughters, it was acceptable for her to be concerned for her daughters' future. But Mrs. Bennet 's entire business of her life was to get her daughters married(Pg.3). Elizabeth loved her mother and was appreciative of her mother's concerns, but Elizabeth was also not blind to her mother's
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Essay about CH 6 Vocab
Essay about CH 6 Vocab Essay about CH 6 Vocab Acadians- French residents of Nova Scotia, many of whom were uprooted by the British in 1755 and scattered as far south as Louisiana, where their descendants became known as "Cajuns." Albany Congress- Intercolonial congress summoned by the British government to foster greater colonial unity and assure Iroquois support in the escalating war against the French. Battle of Quà ©bec- Historic British victory over French forces on the outskirts of Quà ©bec. The surrender of Quà ©bec marked the beginning of the end of French rule in North America. Coureurs de bois- translated as "runners of the woods," they were French fur-trappers, also known as "voyageurs" (travelers). Who established trading posts throughout North America. The fur trade wreaked havoc on the health and folkways of their Native American partners. Edict of Nantes- Decree issued by the French crown granting limited toleration to French Protestants. Ended religious wars in France and inaugurated a period of French pr eeminence in Europe and across the Atlantic. Its repeal in 1685 prompted a fresh migration of Protestant Huguenots to North America. French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)- Nine-year war between the British and the French in North America. It resulted in the expulsion of the French from the North American mainland and helped spark the Seven Years' War in Europe. Huguenots- French Protestant dissenters, the Huguenots were granted limited tolerance under the Edict of Nantes. After King Louis XIV outlawed Protestantism in 1685, many Huguenots fled elsewhere, including to British North America. King George’s War- North American theater of Europe's War of Austrian Succession that once again pitted British colonies against their French counterparts in the North. The peace settlement did not involve any territorial realignment, leading to conflict between New England settlers and the British government. King William’s War- War fought largely between French trappers, Bri tish settlers, and their respective Indian Allies from 1689-1697. The colonial theater of the larger War of the League of Augsburg in Europe.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Human visual system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human visual system - Essay Example However, for one to see, the human eye has to convert the visible light energy into neural activity, a process that usually takes place in the retina part of the eye (Atchison and Smith 2000, P.11). The retina contains neurons, enabling it to transduce light energy into neural activity. However, the process does not take place in a vacuum, rather with the help of rods and cones found in the retina according to Atchison and Smith (2000, P.11). Rods and cones are photoreceptors that are responsible for the conversion of visible light energy into neural activity (Bernstein et al. 2007, P.45). These photoreceptors usually contain chemicals, which are sensitive to light energy. As such, when light strikes the retina, the chemicals in the rods and cones immediately break apart, generating signals, which are relayed to the brain for interpretation. However, Bernstein (2010, p.91) notes that the process of rebuilding the chemicals broken apart in the rods and cones usually takes some time, w hich explain why a person usually find it hard seeing when entering a dark room when coming from a bright light. Nonetheless, as one continues to stay in the dark, the rods quickly build up the chemicals thereby enabling the person to start seeing things normally. This process of adjusting to darkness overtime is usually referred to as dark adaptation where one becomes approximately 10,000 times more light-sensitive after being in the darkness for quite awhile according to Atchison and Smith (2000, P.12). Cones, on the other hand, contain three light-sensitive chemicals that help in determining the color being seen by an individual. Cones are usually found at the middle of the retina in an area known as the fovea. The fovea is the area where the incoming light is focused. Bernstein (2010, p.91) notes that the density of cones in the fovea differs from one person to another, which explains the differences in visual acuity among different people. What is noted that cones usually works best at high light intensities, where the ability to differentiate colors become active (Bernstein et al. 2007, P.46). For instance, it is possible for one to pick two different socks in a dark room thinking that they resemble each other and only learn later that the socks are actually different in color. From the retina, signals are transferred to the brain, where the information is translated before an individual is able to see something. However, as Bernstein (2010, p.91) points out, the eye does not just transfer the images it focused on the retina directly to the brain as this will make one see blurred pictures. Instead, the visual images are first sharpened by the eye, a function, which hugely depends on the interaction between the rods and cones, found in the retina of the human eye as noted by Atchison and Smith (2000, P.12). Bernstein (2010, p.91) reveals that rays of light usually pass through numerous structures of the retina before striking the cones and rods. Once the rods and cones have been struck, they generate signals that are again relayed back to the surface of retina, thereby allowing the ganglion cells and the bipolar cells to connect enabling the eye to start the process of information analysis. Bipolar cells are part of the neurons capable of sending either positive or negative signals
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Linguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Linguistics - Essay Example Single BMCC student. 4) Jun-ho (Male, 28) – Single City college student 5) Jun-gil (Male, 28) – Married. LaGuardia Student, part time worker at a bar, 6) Hye-jung (Female, 27) – Single Culinary school student Throughout our conversation, we spent most of the time talking about work and family, but also about language. This made sense since we were all Koreans and often had to use English. Also, work and family are two of the most important things for all of us. If we attentively listen to the transcription, Choong-hoon spoke the most. His co-worker, Jun-gil, also spoke often. The reason for such might be because Choong-hoon is the eldest among the men in the party. Although everyone made fun of Jun-gil for only speaking to Choong-hoon, he actually spoke a lot as well. Besides, he probably talks to Choong-hoon a lot since he is just a guest who does not know everybody yet. So, we all wanted to know more about him to help him relax a bit. On the other hand, Hye-jun g, who is the youngest among the women at the party, spoke the least. It might have been because people often made fun of her Korean pronunciation. Since then, she kept quiet for quite a while. In addition, if we listen carefully at the transcription, then it becomes evident that there are some patterns. For instance, people were all polite to Jun-gil, who was not a member of the group before. So they asked him polite questions about his family and job. Between most of the other people, the style of the discussion was a lot more different. Conversations were often filled with jokes, for people were more familiar with each other. Even if this was the case, the polite conversation markers like oh-bba, were sometimes used. Interestingly, they often seemed to be used to making jokes, for they weren’t taken personally. Furthermore, there were some rules for how to interrupt or disagree with someone. Disagreement or interruption usually goes along with the gender of the people pres ent. For instance when, Hye-jung did not speak clearly, another girl said something about it first. Choong-hoon then did say he thought so too, but he did not say it so straight forward as compared to the girl’s comment. Also when Jun-gil was talking about whether he was working during his wife's labor, Jun-ho, another male, is the one who interrupts him. However, there were no fixed rules for bringing up a new topic. It was just done when we had all finished talking about something, but the most notable feature was that Choong-hoon and Jung-yeon, the eldest among the men and women in the party, usually brought up the new topic. Given the aforementioned scenario, let’s take a look at the linguistic principles and concepts in the discourse. First, we’ve learned the various properties of human language in class, and one of them is cultural transmission. Languages are influenced in by their culture; hence these languages are not so easy to understand without a suff icient cultural background. In the discourse, we used the words oh-bba, hyeong and nu-na, because in Korean, unlike in English, there are different ways of saying things like â€Å"you†, depending on how people are related socially, such as the age gaps of people. There are even different verbs for extremely polite situations. In our conversation, Jung-yeon said to Jun-gil, â€Å"It’s really difficult to speak to you in an informal way, even though you are younger than me.†That’s because it was the first time Jun-gil and Jung-yeon met, so
Friday, January 31, 2020
The Intersection of Nature and Culture Essay Example for Free
The Intersection of Nature and Culture Essay Semiotics is a discipline which stems from the work and theories of American logician C. S. Peirce and the French linguist Ferdinand de Saussure. The idiom originates from the Greek word seemeiootikee, which denotes the study of signs, what they represent and signify, and how human beings act, interact and think in their universe. This branch of learning and understanding can be best described as a system of many communication theories and techniques which can be viewed as pieces of a puzzle. When these fragments are connected and pieced together, they make visible, the intricate design of human interaction and interpersonal communication. Semiotics lies intermediary between philosophy and philology and is nothing less than an objectification, or self-expression, or interpretation and the formation and comprehension of meaning. This area of study is a combination between scientific discipline and a world-view. Semiotics is an enormously broad approach to understanding such matters as meaning, cognition, culture, behavior, even life itself. At the heart of this discipline lies the notion of sign. A sign, according to Charles S. Peirce, widely acknowledged to be one of the seminal thinkers about semiotics, is something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. It is the study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behavior and the analysis of systems of communication. These signs take the form of words, images, sounds, acts or objects, but have no genuine meaning and become signs only when we invest them with meaning- nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted and brings about some form of meaning. Understanding semiology assists in the true understanding of ones self, others, and how we view the world around us. Inherently, humans are reactors. Because it is human nature to act, or react toward people, items, and instances on the basis of preconceived meanings that have been assigned, it is beneficial to understand that each sign or symbol will have a different meaning to each individual it is presented to. Because of communication filters and barriers (which can also be signs and symbols) no message is ever received the exact way it is sent. (See Appendix A) Similarly, every sign encountered can be decoded and interpreted differently depending on preconceived notions, culture and personal experience. A signifier may induce many different interpretations of the signified (See Appendix B and D). This theory of signs and symbolism is divided into branches including pragmatics, semantics, and syntactics. Pragmatics is the branch of semiotics which deals with the causal and other relations between words, expressions, or symbols and their users. It can be an analysis of language in terms of the situational context within which utterances are made, including the knowledge and beliefs of the speaker and the relation between speaker and listener. Semantics is the study of the relationship between words and meanings. The field of semantics has three fundamental concerns: the relations of words to the objects denoted by them, the relations of words to the interpreters of them, and, in symbolic logic, the formal relations of signs to one another semantics is concerned with such issues as meaning and truth, meaning and thought, and the relation between signs and what they mean. Syntactics is the branch of semiotics dealing with the formal properties of language and systems of symbols. Innis proposes that, fundamentally these areas of thought deal with meanings and messages in all their forms and in all their contexts. There are three ways in which the sign can stand for its object: as icon, index or symbol. An icon is a sign that stands for an object by resembling it, not merely visually, but by any means. An icon makes a connection by similitude. Included in this category of sign are obvious examples like pictures, maps and diagrams and some not so obvious ones like algebraic expressions and metaphors. Indexes refer to their objects, not by virtue of any similarity relation, but by an actual causal link between the sign and its object: smoke is an index of fire. The relation between the sign and its object is substantial in that the sign and object have something in common; that is, the object affects the sign. It is physically connected to the object. Symbols refer to their objects by virtue of a law, rule or convention. Words, propositions and texts are obvious examples in that no similarity or causal link is suggested in the relation between, for example, the word horse and the object to which it refers. In this category especially the potential arbitrary character of signs comes to the foreground. If symbols need bear no similarity or causal link to their object, then the signs can be considered by the sign user in unlimited ways, independent of any physical relationship to the sign user. The convention between recognizing a sign and the meaning which is provoked is affected by perception and experience. What appears to be a complex ideology is really very simple. Semiotics is everywhere, in every part of daily life. Humans recognize patterns of information and organize them to generate meaning. The sign is the signifier, and what speaks to us is the signified. We see a sign, internalize it, and create meaning. The Semantic Triangle, (Appendix E) shows the indirect relationship between symbols and their referents. Some signs are culturally universal and convey similar meaning in individuals (Appendix F). Some signs act as instructions or directions, and guide or restrict behaviors. For instance, if a sign with a cigarette encompassed by a red circle and a bar through the middle is on display in a business it is understood that there is no smoking on the premises. This image has predetermined meaning. Some signs act as reminders. An image in of a young child in a magazine may serve as a sign for an aging mother and the signified may be a sense of sadness as her children have grown and moved on. The perception of meaning and the ability making sense out of the information that is being transmitted by these signs is an essential element of human communication. The study and application of semiotics is the frame work for representing meaning. Reality is encoded with signs and symbols and life is but to decode and find meaning. We seem to be a species driven by a desire to make meaning: above all, we are surely homo-significans meaning-makers within which signs are meaningful units taking the form of words, images, sounds, acts or objects. Such things have no intrinsic meaning and become signs only when we invest them with meaning. And it is this meaning-making which is at the heart of the concerns of semiotics. The fact that humans can consume and interpret signs which are arbitrary and have no tangible existence in their immediate experience is what makes thought possible and is distinctly human. Ideas can be brought to mind and manipulated without being directly experienced. Meanings can be expressed in various ways, through a variety of sign systems: language, music, gesture and by many other vehicles. The meaning that is found within these signs creates the psychological and emotional environment we live in. Signs can also communicate ideological or connotative meaning, and perpetuate the dominant values of society. Aristotle claimed that a thing either is or it isnt. Semiotics is the arbitrator of this existence and because things can be decoded and deciphered differently by each individual, there is much grey area between the is and the isnt. By being aware of the way we use and interpret signs and symbols, and understanding the effects of these things on communication and interaction we are increasing and recognizing cognitive complexity so as to better approximate the halftones of this symbolically mediated real world. The meanings of signs and symbols are mediated by our experience and understanding of the world can never be the same for each person. Thomas Sebeok proposes that semiotics lies at the intersection of nature and culture. It is human nature to see and interpret signs but many of the signs we see are culturally adopted. However, we create our world of meaning by interpreting signs as we interact with objects in our environment and by personal experience. Having an understanding of Semiotics and its branches can help one to better understand their own psyche, as interpreting and finding meaning has much to do with self-disclosure. It also brings an understanding of others into the framework. The concept of semiotics and the ability to comprehend the notions can become a fortunate thing and be advantageous to the ability to communicate interpersonally, connect on a deeper level, and interact with other people and the world around References Barthes, Elements of Semiology (1967); A. A. Berger, Signs in Contemporary Culture: An Introduction to Semiotics (1988). Buchler, J. (Ed.). (1955). Philosophical Writings of Peirce. New York: Dover Innis, R. (Ed.). Semiotics: An Introductory Anthology. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.1983 Sebeok, T. Contributions to the Doctrine of Signs.Lisse: Peter de Ridder Press.1976. Unknown, Steps towards Evolutionary Semiotics. Semiotica 132, 3/4 (317-342).2000
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Confusion and Personal Identity in Rip Van Winkle Essay -- Rip Van Win
 Rip Van Winkle tells the story of a man who, on a trek into the Kaatskill mountains, mysteriously sleeps away twenty years of his life during the Revolutionary War. When he returns home, he finds that things have dramatically changed; King George no longer has control over the colonies, and many of his friends have either died or left town. At this point, the story reaches its climax, where Van Winkle realizes that his life may be forever changed. To this point, Rip Van Winkle has had only to deal with the change in his surroundings. Having no doubts about his personal character, his fears remain singular only briefly, for when the crowd points to a man whom they call Rip Van Winkle, he begins to question his being as well. "I'm not myself-I'm somebody else-that's me yonder-no-that's somebody else, got into my shoes..." Frustration has set in by this point, as our hero Rip cannot explain the events that have happened to him. In one night, his world had drastically changed, and no logical explanation can be found. The larger issue at hand, though, is the identity crisis that Van Winkle is suffering. Upon a detailed analysis of this climactic section, two dominating themes are found: confusion and the issue of personal identity. There are constant references to these ideas throughout the selection. That Van Winkle is confused seems obvious and is quite understandable, but this confusion extends beyond the bizarre sequence of events encountered. When Rip notices the person that the township refers to as Rip Van Winkle, it is as though he is looking into a mirror, for this person portrays a "precise counterpoint of himself." Although Rip visually sees this other person, his examination becomes a personal reflect... ...oncerns over which groups would provide leadership for the masses, and how those masses were to be represented. Men like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin, who had provided great leadership for this fledgling nation, were leaving the fate of America in new hands. The pessimists voiced their opinions, but there was a great feeling off optimism as the Industrial Revolution began to harbor its effects throughout the United States and the world. The issue of identity seemed a pertinent issue at the time. In this story, Rip Van Winkle's search for identity provides, perhaps, the most stimulating aspect of the story. In the selected passage, we see his character go through tremendous emotional changes. In only one paragraph, we watch his life unfold as he searches for the inner truth that he had been denying. In one paragraph, we watched a man find himself. Â
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
4-MAT Book Review Essay
Abstract Wheelan (2013) identifies the four stages of team development and provides detailed explanation of how a group transforms itself from a stage one group of uncertainty into a successful, highly productive stage four team. This requires work and a thorough understanding of the many internal/external influences that can occur during each stage. A team member or leader who is well versed in these stages and who can evolve with each stage will be better equipped to deal with possible obstacles that can hinder group progress and implement practices to help the group successfully work through a particular stage. The goal is for the group to become a team that will value the importance of everyone’s contribution within the group and how it relates to the overall ability of the group to successfully accomplish the mission. As this is achieved, the work will no longer feel like a chore as team members encourage, inspire, and have fun completing tasks and achieving the desired outcome (W heelan, 2013). In the first stage of group development, termed dependency and inclusion, team members are dependent upon the designated leader to provide a sense of belonging and to create an environment where members feel safe enough to suggest new ideas (Wheelan, 2013). The overall goal of stage one group development is the ability to create a safe and inclusive environment for all members as some may experience certain behavioral characteristics associated with feelings of insecurity and a need to feel included in the group. Stage one members may feel apprehensive about sharing their ideas until they feel that the environment is safe to share and that their input is valued (Wheelan, 2013). As members work through the group one stage, they will become more confident in their role and begin to rely less on the team leader for input. In addition, group members will begin to openly share their ideas, which in turn may create conflict within the group as different views and values will begin to be challenged among group members. Although uncomfortable, this potentially volatile but necessary part of stage two group development will lead to an increased trust among group members. Wheelan (2013) explains, â€Å"Only through conflict resolution and the development of a unified view of the group’s purpose and processes can true collaboration be achieved†(p. 28). During stage two group development, the team leader and team members’ ability to manage conflict resolution will determine whether the group succeeds or fails. During stage three, members of the group roll up their sleeves and begin to focus on the task at hand. Egos are checked at the door as team members begin to sense a clearer picture of individual and team goals and communication becomes more task-oriented (Wheelan, 2013). As stage three groups develop, productivity is increased and relationships are strengthened as the group can now move to stage four successfully if they continue to manage and adjust team roles and responsibilities, resolve conflict, and receive constructive criticism with an open mind. Concrete Response As a youth leader, I was tasked with forming a ministry team to work with school-aged children ranging in ages from 8 to 19 years of age. As a District Fire Chief for a large fire department, I assumed that this task would be similar to forming a team that responds to emergency calls; however, there were several items that I would overlook initially that would prove to be painful learning opportunities as I progressed through my ministry team building experience. First, and probably most important, was the fact that I assumed that everyone serving with me had a clear picture of what our goal was as youth leaders; to share the gospel of Christ through grace-filled passion demonstrated by love, compassion, understanding and encouragement. I still remember our first meeting as I handed out information regarding the bible study material we would be using. As I explained the syllabus and the details of the study itself, Joey, one of the volunteers, asked, â€Å"What is it that we are trying to accomplish through this study?†I explained that the objectives were listed in the packet and that everyone should familiarize themselves thoroughly with the material provided. As Wheelan (2013) explains, it is the team leader’s responsibility during stage one to establish defined goals and to identify specific team member roles and how they will contribute to the overall plan. This error on my part led to confusion, frustration, and unfortunately the departure of some of the youth volunteers, as they did not feel that the value of their input was considered nor was a clear picture of what our purpose was explained. Critique Wheelan (2013) provides many good examples of what to do in certain circumstances that deal with safety and inclusion, conflict resolution, identifying roles and responsibilities, and fostering esprit de corps during group development. In addition, she identifies the positive traits that should be displayed by both team members and team leaders alike such as involving other members in the leadership of the group and actively participating in achieving objectives. While the strength of this book is displayed in the many examples provided by the author of what to do if a certain situation arises, this author was curious as to what a team leader or member would do if a team member must be dismissed for poor performance? While this is something that this author would not want to ever experience, I am curious as to whether or not Wheelan has ever experienced this in her studies and how might a leader or team member deal with this issue? Another consideration that this author believes infl uences group dynamics is socioeconomic and cultural diversity. While the above-mentioned positive character traits for leaders and team members are just a few of the many provided in this text, Creating Effective Teams does not address the internal and external influences that are ever-present in groups through socioeconomic and cultural diversity. This author believes that these two influences alone should be strongly considered, as group cohesiveness will depend largely upon a thorough understanding of how an individual’s worldview influences his or her perception of other group members and their individual role within the group. Action Clear concise communicated goals that explain the purpose, the mission, and how each member will contribute to the overall plan is the first action that this author wishes to accomplish. Establishing a safe inclusive environment at the outset of group development is vital to member participation as this author plans to meet with both the youth ministry and worship ministry team in the upcoming week to encourage team member input and to identify roles, responsibilities, and a unified mission statement. Training team members in both my ministry and the fire department I work for in how to effectively manage group conflict is an additional action plan that this author hopes to achieve. Understanding that conflict is not necessarily a bad thing and that good can come from disagreements is important for everyone to consider when building our team. This author feels that this action will open up a new line of communication for individuals within my team to voice their concerns and contribute successfully to the group with sincere honesty. The third action that this author would like to achieve is to become a leader who evolves with the group as it develops through each stage. The beginning stages of the group’s development will require me to be more assertive; however, the ability to evolve as a leader to a more consultant role is where this author plans to take action. According to Wheelan (2013) as I allow members to share in the leadership function of the group, the likelihood that the group will succeed is increased. Reference Wheelan, S. A. (2013) Creating effective teams: A guide for members and leaders. Thousand Oaks: CA. Sage Publications, Inc.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Impact of the Scientific Revolution on Society and...
Over the course of the years, society has been reformed by new ideas of science. We learn more and more about global warming, outer space, and technology. However, this pattern of gaining knowledge did not pick up significantly until the Scientific Revolution. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, the Scientific Revolution started, which concerned the fields of astronomy, mechanics, and medicine. These new scientists used math and observations strongly contradicting religious thought at the time, which was dependent on the Aristotelian-Ptolemy theory. However, astronomers like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton accepted the heliocentric theory. Astronomical findings of the Scientific Revolution disproved the fact that humans were†¦show more content†¦Everything on earth was imperfect while all that in space was perfect because God’s kingdom was outside of the earth. A popular idea was that heavy things fall faster while lighter things sink to the ground slowl y. This idea was adapted by the Church to explain the admission into heaven. Those who are an overall better person will â€Å"rise†up to heaven while those who are not-so-good will â€Å"sink†into the center of the earth into hell. As a result, everything was related and backed up by theology. These concepts would later be weakened by scientists of the Scientific Revolution. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was a German astronomer who believed in the heliocentric theory. Kepler is a clear example of the narrow line that separated science and religion. Nonetheless, his ideas would show that things could be solved through reason alone. He believed that the harmony of the human soul could be found through numerical relationships that existed between planets. He found that the planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn all revolved at different times. For example, the earth revolved around the sun in a year while Saturn revolved around the sun in fifty years. 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