Sunday, December 29, 2019
Write about John Brown the abolitionist Free Essay Example, 1250 words
John Brown the Abolitionist John Brown the Abolitionist Early life John brown, born on the 9th of May, 1800 in a farmhouse in Litchfield, Connecticut was a son to Owen Brown and his wife Ruth Brown. In 1805, a land fragmentation policy forced John and his family to move to Hudson in the state of Ohio. Immediately John Brown turns 18, he decided to move to Massachusetts to advance his studies. Brown’s efforts become futile when he faced financial problems that hindered the advancement of his studies. Eyesight problems also contributed to his failure to complete his studies in Massachusetts. Thereby, Brown has no choice but to return to his father’s home in Hudson. At home, John learns the basics of Arithmetic and a bit about land surveying. In 1820, John Brown married Dianthe Lusk and the raising of the first six children they bear is strict and based on biblical teachings. Unfortunately, later Dianthe started experiencing problems relating to her mental health and late r died while giving birth to the couple’s seventh child. Brown decided to remarry a year later and settled down with Mary Ann Day. We will write a custom essay sample on Write about John Brown the abolitionist or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The year 1835 saw brown move to Franklin Mills in Ohio. Brown settled here for 5 years and got into the cattle keeping activity among other business ventures but the 1839 economic crisis hindered his efforts. A business partnership between Brown and a man known as Simon Perkins ended abruptly because of the European venture. John Brown’s encounter with slavery John Brown is famous as an abolitionist because of his extensive efforts in the eradication of slavery. Despite being unsuccessful businesswise, Brown belief that slavery is an evil vice grows even stronger. He first encountered slavery when he was a young boy while making a visit to a particular proprietor. At the proprietor’s home, Brown met a young black boy who was the property owner, slave and went through a hard time working, sleeping in the cold and having to withstand the mistreatments from his master. After seeing this, Brown vowed to work towards the eradication of slavery. The moral and social values he acquired during his upbringing added to his drive to abolish slavery. Brown’s efforts received a major boost when he met a philanthropist by the name Frederick Douglass. Brown went ahead and revealed his slavery abolition plan to Douglass. The Fight to Abolish Slavery In 1849, John Brown made a personal request to a wealthy philanthropist owning a portion of the wilderness. The request’s aim was to acquire 244 acres of land in the North Elba wilderness where Brown claimed that he intended to show the black community a bit of kindness.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Theory Of Virtue Ethics - 951 Words
The function of this paper is to determine why and how three members of the cast in the videos â€Å"RPG Embedded in Soldier†made the choices they did in relation to the groups of values that are commonly found within the theory of virtue ethics. In short, virtue ethics stresses being an inherently good person versus simply doing good actions. This means that a virtuous person will typically choose the right action simply because it is the natural thing for them to do. Applying this concept to the video will help to further ascertain why the individuals in the video acted the way they did. Moreover, to back the concepts and claims made in this paper specific examples shall be cited from the video clip. As a result, this paper shall contain both concepts contained within virtue ethics and examples from the media piece. Criteria: - Three virtues shall be assigned to each of the chosen cast members based upon the viewpoints they expressed and actions they made - These virtues shall come from the categories: conscientiousness, benevolence, self-discipline, and self-assertion (with respect to others) - Using these virtues and specific examples from the clip, reasons as to why and how they conducted themselves shall be given The Three Chosen Cast Members in Question: - The pilot who violated military policy by flying the wounded soldier to the hospital - The sergeant who helped the doctor perform the surgery to remove the RPG - And the medic who was there when the solder wasShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Virtue Ethics Essay1632 Words  | 7 Pages‘Virtue ethics’, is an agent-centred approach in normative ethics that stresses the importance of moral characters and virtues, which is unlike the two other major approaches in the field (Hursthouse, 2013) . Deontology rather emphasises the use of duties and rules, and utilitarianism emphasises the importance of consequences of one’s actions (Hursthouse, 2001). Aristotle’s (2009) theory of virtue ethics is the most widely recognised, he believes that the virtuous person is one who exhibits desirableRead MoreEthics Or The Virtue Theory2029 Words  | 9 Pages AVirtue ethics or the virtue theory, is an ethical theory that examines the character of a human for morality (Dreisbach, 2013). When discussing the ethical and moral reasoning behind the racial divide of incarceration rates, virtue ethics requires us to evaluate the morality of the person doing a given act, rather than the act itself (Dreisbach, 2013). Using virtue ethics, you can look at the racial disparity from two perspectives that of the offender and that of the people enforcing the laws.Read MoreEthics : Ethics And Virtue Ethical Theory930 Words  | 4 PagesEthics are the standards and qualities an individual uses to administer his activities and choices. In an association, a code of ethics is an arrangement of rule that guide the association in its projects, approaches and choices for the business. The moral logic an association uses to lead business can influence the reputation, profitability and main concern of the business. Unethical behavior or an absence of corporate social obligation, by examination, may harm a company s reputation and makeRead MoreVirtue Ethics : A Theory Of Morality1448 Words  | 6 PagesVirtue Ethics is a theory of morality. It only takes into account the individuals themselves when distinguishing morality. As defined in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Virtue Ethics is the theory that â€Å"emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the approach which emphasizes duties or rules (deontology) or that which emphasizes the consequences of actions (consequentialism).†It is because of it’s seemingly â€Å"rule less†structure that the theory has shown appeal. Virtue ethicsRead MoreEthics Theory And Virtue Ethical Theory1398 Words  | 6 Pagesbegin by saying my discussions will be centered on two intriguing theories I have learnt through this course deontology ethical theory and Virtue ethical theory. To my understanding, deontology theory takes on the face of a normative ethi cal position that judges the morality of an action based totally on regulations, rules and laws. The theory is far on occasion described as responsibility- or duty- or rule- based totally ethics, due to the fact that it emphasizes on guidelines binding peopleRead MoreVirtue Ethics Theory Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pages1. Why are Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle usually considered to be the founders of Western philosophical ethics? * Because it was their determination to base ethics on reason, rather than on superstition or authority, laid the foundation upon which virtually all philosophers who followed would base their ideas and theories about morality. 2. Why do many people consider Socrates to be a martyr for truth and integrity? * Socrates is considered by many to be a martyr for truth and integrityRead MoreThe Ethical Theory Of Virtue Ethics1115 Words  | 5 Pagescriticisms of virtue ethics. First, virtue ethics is really complicated and multiple varieties of the theory of virtue ethics exist. Hence a single summary of VE cannot completely do justice to this theory and the complexity it encompasses. Second, as VE is attempted to be used on more specific cases and is tried to be made more concise, the theory tends to become more inaccurate. The article further suggests the needs for a more comprehensive and specific explanation of virtue ethics. Although thereRead MoreEthics As A General Theory Of Virtue917 Words  | 4 Pages Introduction Ethics went through history of philosophy in several phases. Greeks practiced ethics as a general theory of virtue. Even then, the ethical theories have found a problem that were set by the sophists, who noticed that the ethical attitudes vary from person to person and from nation to nation. Their solution was that, when it is already so, their source moves with any objective reality on the attitudes and choices of the man himself. With this solution over ethics appeared a shadowRead MoreThe Ethical Theories Of Duty Ethics And Virtue Ethics Essay1588 Words  | 7 Pagesthe character Thor in Thor: The Dark World. In these words we find a frightening tension. Almost everyone agrees that it is good to be ethical; this is an easy affirmation. It is much more difficult, though, when ethics is in direct opposition to success. This dichotomy- between ethics and success- will no doubt confront an engineer during a professional career of any substantial length. Can you say that you would r ather be a good man than rich? Or popular? Or a successful engineer? What should happenRead MoreCompare and Contrast: Ethics and Virtue Theory802 Words  | 3 PagesEthics and virtue have been a very contentious issue facing society for centuries. Many argue over the merits of various theories, each with its own philosophies and assumptions. It is this argument that has given rise to many popular and followed theories of ethics and virtues. The theories discussed primarily in this document include the virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological theory. Each is very distinct to the others in regards to its principles and assumptions regarding human behavior
Friday, December 13, 2019
A and P Movie Review Free Essays
Gallant After watching the film AP In comparison to the discussion In the classroom, a lot of the topics are current trends and Issues In the 20th century. There can be much discussion about many things in the film. After watching the film however rather than from the reading and discussion in class, I pictured things differently in my own mind. We will write a custom essay sample on A and P: Movie Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now Upon first trying to relate it to the sass’s, I actually thought the film was pretty odder and could be possible in today’s times, depending on a store and its’ management, whether an independently owned little store or a big box grocery store. The main character, Sammy, who displays an 18 or 19 year old male teenagers’ feelings are very much alike as all boys during the adolescence years. John Update himself reported In his Interview of when he was young and married and 29 years of age that he could relate to these types of feelings and fantasy dreams which prompted him to write the story. I could not envision however In the sass’s of actually seeing any young girls in bathing suits that would be daring enough to walk in a store dressed in such a way. Personally, I do not recall seeing any young teenage girls do this during those times. I did grow up in the sass’s. I recall most young women being more demure and even seeing something such as this might result in a police arrest possibly. Perhaps I am being naive as I was a young child during this period but don’t recall families allowing their young girls to behave in such a way. Sammy appears to be bold In that time period In my opinion of how he chose to Just quit his Job because he TLD believe the same beliefs as his manager, Mr.. Lange. While growing up In the sissy, many children and adults alike, from what I saw and remember were taught to work hard and success would then follow. Many of the male adult family relatives were away serving in the Navy or Army and those at home, especially the women, had chores at home, like laundry and cooking, were working hard still because they had larger families to feed. My grandmother who had 13 or 14 hillier had also worked part time in a retail chain called J. J. Newbury. Our family would never have heard of a teenage boy being able to quit his job Just because he didn’t agree with his manager who was his elder. Teenagers growing up in the sass’s whom I was exposed to had to respect their elders and do as adults around them expected and work hard for their families with chores to do along with school work in order to receive allowances from the family In return for the hard work. The Job was Important If a teenager had one to share the wages with their family. Regarding consumers as a society of pigs, cows, and sheep, and an older woman’s’ attitude compared to a witch that should be burned in Salem was never even a be rebelling to soon becoming an adult in the near future and possibly could be one of these people. He is suppressing some self-discovery and trying to figure out where he fits in a society and perhaps wondering if he belongs working in a grocery store for the rest of his life or if he really should be having fun like the young girls laughing and running about in the store. How to cite A and P: Movie Review, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Hispanic Essay Example For Students
Hispanic Essay The Latin community in the area which I reside is weak. This is evident in the fact that less Hispanics are involved in community affairs than members of other ethnicitys. It would be rather interesting to be able to know what goes into government policy making. The enthusiasm that I would put forth on this topic would be exemplary. The experience that qualifies me to partake in this institute is my involvement in SALSA (Spanish And Latino Student Association), as well as the fact that I am an aware, young, Hispanic male who sees what really goes on in the Latin community. It would be quite educational to learn what occurs during the process of the making of government policies which greatly affect our community. Perhaps if more teenagers were given the opportunity to be educated on these matters the community could be bettered. This would improve the community by enriching the lives of youths and pointing them in a direction to work for the people, not against them. The work as well as effort that would be put forth by me would have to be exemplary. This is so because one of my goals in life is to better myself so that I may in turn better my community, especially the Hispanic community. This is an opportunity that I have been waiting for to arise. This is my chance to make a difference. The experiences that qualify me to take part in this institutes affairs are that I am an active member in the SALSA group, as well as the fact that I am a young, Hispanic male who sees how the Hispanic community works. My involvement in the SALSA club has given me a way to reach out to the Hispanic students in my school, in hopes that if I can inform these young individuals about how to better the community, as well as teach them a sense of self pride in themselves. Then hopefully when they go out into their towns they will also try to make a difference. The Hispanic community where I live is very UN-unified. This upsets me greatly because we as a people need to be involved and unified so that we may better ourselves as well as the future generations who will only learn from example of what we do right now. The Hispanic community is rather weak now. However this does not have to be so in the future. We, the Hispanics as a whole, must rise up and join our brethren to better ourselves.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
GWS Personnel Motorsport
Introduction GWS Personnel Motorsport participates as a team on various Australian Motorsport competitions. They are â€Å"competitors in the Australian Manufacturers Championship for Production Cars†(GWS Personnel Motorsport, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on GWS Personnel Motorsport specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The manufacturers bring forward different types of production cars to the racetrack made by different producers. â€Å"The championship takes in circuits throughout Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland including Eastern Creek, Sandown Park, Wakefield Park, and Morgan Park Raceway (GWS Personnel Motorsport, 2011). There are the six-hour and the twelve-hour competitions. The sport is a high adrenaline activity for the drivers and the enthusiasts. The enthusiasts find the speed and competitiveness of the sport very exhilarating. Some of the event sponsors include, â€Å"The Shire Con veyancer, Spinifex Australia, Rogue Lager and Briffa Smash Repairs†(GWS Personnel Motorsport, 2011). It is upon the GWS Personnel Motorsport to generate interest in the sport and to earn a support base from fans in order to turn it to their advantage. Creative Strategy Theory There is a unique need to develop advertising ideas that stand out from the multitude of advertisements that compete for attention in our cities. Conventional advertising can be a frustrating experience for the advertising team when a carefully developed advertising campaign ends up obscured by other advertisements that compete for attention. Creative advertising uses normal advertising tools in new and refreshing ways that guarantee a lasting impact. It gives an advertising campaign fresh impetus. It requires the expansion of communication methods to appeal to the target audience in new and unmistakable ways. The need for creative advertisement comes from the nature of advertising. Advertising aims at c reating a bond between potential clients and a supplier. This requires regular changes in approach since people change. Failure to keep up with changes in the society may lead to an advertising campaign becoming ineffective despite its budget and the planning process. Marketing is never a stagnant process but one that changes with time (Ferrell Hartline, 2008). This escalates the need for continual creativity in the development of advertising campaigns.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Levinson, Levinson, and Levinson, (2007) the purpose and assessment of creative marketing is the generation of profits. This view summarizes the objective of all marketing campaigns. The role of marketing is to establishing profitable relationships with clients. If an advertising campaign does not result in better profits, then it misses the point. While a marketing campaign seek s to propose to potential clients and beneficiaries the benefits of a product or service, it must in return promise a return of value to the party offering the product or service. Creative marketing requires multidisciplinary teams (Nash, 2000). It also draws from different fields such as psychology, sociology, and economics (Ferrell Hartline, 2008). There are concepts from different fields that describe human behavior. They seek to determine their motivations and reasons for making their choices. An understanding of the underlying theories is crucial for the development of a creative marketing strategy. An appreciation of the social process is invaluable in the development of an advertising campaign. One of the key aids to the success of a marketing campaign is the branding process that the product goes through. For established brands, the main requirement for an advertising campaign is incremental innovation. On the other hand, for new ones, brand positioning takes centre stage. Branding increases the chance that a consumer will reach for some product or service because they recognize it and associate it with something they like. It is the experiences they have with the product or the testimonies they have heard about it that make them desire to associate with that product (Holt, 2004). A strong brand makes it relatively easier to introduce new products under the existing brand name (Yadin, 2001). A brand is the permanent residence a product has in its niche market. Its building is a painstaking exercise that all marketers cherish and fear at the same time. Branding is essentially a marketing issues but it is not limited to the marketing department (Randall, 2000). Advertising is a developing subject area. An understanding of the elements that constitute advertising will be of great benefit to GWS personnel Motorsport. By combining aspects of consumer dynamics, psychology and human behavior science, GWS Personnel Motorsport will have a distinct advantage in the preparation of its advertising strategy.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on GWS Personnel Motorsport specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The purpose of this plan is to look at all the facets of advertising and to apply them to the process of developing an advertising campaign for ESW motorsport. It should provide EWS Motorsport with a competitive advantage within the motorsport industry. â€Å"Consideration of longer-term prospects for motorsports underlines the need to strengthen existing markets†(Aston Williams, 1996) Creative Concept Creativity is a process necessary in the development of new ideas. The important issue is not the â€Å"newness†of the idea but it is in the innovative application of it to answer existing problems. It normally results in a quicker and more efficient way of doing things. The creative idea developed for the GWS Personnel Motorsport is to come up with a series of a dvertisements that pass on the thrill in the racetrack to the enthusiasts to keep them interested in the race, and to attract new fans to motorsport. The issues we delved into in its production include the target audience, objectives, strategic approach, message content, and style. Target Audience The target audience for GWS Personnel Motorsport advertising campaign includes motorsport enthusiasts and sponsors. The practice of advertising revolves around preclusion of the targeted persons. It is impossible to target everyone (Trotman Publishing, 2001). There is a large fan base of motorsport enthusiasts throughout Australia. They provide the motivation all motorsport teams need to keep improving the sport. They range from young teenagers to senior citizens. Speed and winning races fascinate them. For the young motorsport enthusiasts, it is their dream to be in motorsports. Meanwhile, for the older ones, it is about nostalgia. These individual lovers of motor sport are the primary au dience that the advertizing campaign hopes to reach. When GWS Personnel Motorsport attracts enough fans into its fan base, then it will become more attractive to sponsors. The role of sponsors in motorsports is to provide funds for the development of cars and to prepare the drivers and racing teams for motorsport competitions. Their motivation is to get an opportunity to associate themselves with a successful brand for their own business ends. These small influences in advertising have the ability to influence the buying choices (Sutherland Sylvester, 2009). They are a secondary target because they come to a motorsport team that already has the right publicity and following. To target them directly does not work. Each team must prove its worth and attract a fan base after which the corporate sponsors step in.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Objectives To reach the motor sport lovers, GWS Personnel Motorsport has the following objective. â€Å"To share the thrills of the motorsport experience†The thrill of high-speed driving is what appeals to motorsport lovers. The objective of this campaign is to share those thrills with the motorsports lovers, to make them have a feel of the experiences behind the wheel. This will appeal to them at an emotional level, allowing them to connect with their dreams and fantasies. For the sponsors, they will be monitoring the levels of interest that the advertising campaign generates. They will be willing to sponsor the GWS Personnel Motorsport team because such sponsorship will provide them with the much sought after publicity. In particular, they will feel that GWS Personnel Motorsport is a strong brand within the motorsport fraternity if we associate ourselves with winning the events we participate in. This will entail having, as part of the GWS Personnel Motorsports advertising campaign, the thrills of winning. While the advertising campaign does not directly target sponsors, it nevertheless has them in mind and shall seek to attract them to GWS motor sport to the elements they find desirable. It has not escaped our knowledge that sponsors do not just base their decisions on the claims but on the facts about the team and its realistic chances of projecting the required image by actually performing well in the motorsport events. We reckon that being a winning team alone without a matching advertising campaign will also make the team unattractive to sponsors. That is why we must project the correct image and work equally hard to produce the best possible performance. Strategic approach The idea we have for an advertising campaign is a simple one. We call it, â€Å"thrills behind the wheel campaign†. We intend to put the motorsport fan behind the wheel. We will achieve this by advertisements providing thrilling views and snapshots of thrilling driving situations shot from behind the wheel. The concept will vary among various advertising media in order to appeal to different motorsport enthusiasts. The variations include a magazine option, a television variation, online advertisements, and billboard option. The magazine option will feature a two-page spread. When the reader opens the page, his hands will appear to be holding the steering wheel of a real GWS Personnel Motorsport-racing car. On the top half, there will be breathtaking views of some of the thrilling views a motorsport driver encounters in the process of racing. The television option will take advantage of the possibility of motion, and show a high-speed moment behind the wheel of a GWS Personnel Motorsport-racing car overtaking a rival racing car in interesting territory. The sounds will be real sounds inside a motorsport cabin to make an auditory impression. Billboards will use the same concept of the magazine spread but will take advantage of the larger space avai lable. In addition, a mock steering wheel modeled after a real GWS Personnel Motorsport steering wheel fitted to it will provide a three-dimensional effect. The online advertisement will include a slide show giving several views behind the wheel. Message Content The message the advertising campaign will send out is that it is thrilling to be behind the wheels of a GWS Personnel Motorsport and it is equally thrilling to be part of the winning team. IT will take on the following taglines. Feel the thrill with GWS Personnel Motorsport The thrills of the being in the winning team â€Å"Feel the thrill†will be the rallying cry in the advertising campaign. We feel that the tagline is simple enough to communicate and to remain embedded in the minds of motorsport enthusiasts. We believe that when combined with the visual and audiovisual components of the various advertising media, it will provide the emotional appeal and satisfaction of being inside a motorsport-racing car. The seco nd tag line, â€Å"the thrill of being in the winning team will attempt to make it appealing to be associated with the GWS Personnel Motorsport team. If our performance matches it then it will be a self-fulfilling prophesy. Its intention is to attract both sponsors and enthusiasts to seek to be associated with GWS Personnel Motorsport. We would like potential fans to ask themselves, what it would be like to be behind the wheel of a GWS Personnel Motorsport-racing car. Style Tone is an important part of an advertising campaign. It provides the connection required to make it an effective advertisement campaign. It makes sense for us to use a â€Å"high risk†mood for the campaign because motorsport enthusiasts generally seek out high adrenaline situations to identify with. In fact, many of them would invest a fortune just to be behind the wheels of a real motorsport-racing car. Sponsors, also, are business people who appreciate the place of risk in their lives and will identif y quickly with an ad campaign that portrays risk as something to face and conquer. Indeed, the process is thrilling. The colors we will use for the advertising campaign are earthy and rocky colors. These colors present the mood of toughness and emphasize the toughness of the situations a motorsport driver faces – tough as rock. Through digital processing of the pictures, we will produce the ideal images for the advertising campaign. Conclusion In conclusion, the â€Å"feel the thrill†advertising campaign hopes to attract fans and enthusiasts and by doing so, to attract sponsors who will provide funds for further development of the GWS Personnel Motorsport team. They will provide much-needed funds for expansion of the team’s fleet and for maintaining the cars. We will seek to connect with motorsport enthusiasts at an emotional level seeking to answer their quest for thrill by participating in the motorsport events as fans. The campaign may actually attract new i nterest from such persons who have not previously identified with motorsports but realize it answers their need for thrill. We realize that pictorial representations of the thrilling moments and their arrangement will form the basis of the advertisements. The defining characteristic of these pictures will be the degree of thrill they evoke. It will necessitate a careful scrutiny of all the pictures we have taken in the past from behind the wheels. Using digital processing, GWS Personnel Motorsport will enhance the mood elements of the pictures to bring them to the required thrill levels. Reference List Aston, B., Williams, M. (1996). Playing to Win: The Success of UK Motorsport Engineering . London: Institute for Public Policy Research. Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M. D. (2008). Marketing Strategy. Mason OH: Cengage Learning. GWS Personnel Motorsport. (2011). Home. Web. Holt, D. B. (2004). How Brands Become Icons: The Principles of Cultural Branding. Boston, MA: Havard Business Press . Levinson, J. C., Levinson, J., Levinson, A. (2007). Guerrilla Marketing:Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Nash, E. L. (2000). Direct Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional. Randall, G. (2000). Branding: A Practical Guide to Planning Your Strategy. London: Kogan Page Limited. Sutherland, M., Sylvester, A. K. (2009). Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why. Australia: Allen Urwin. Trotman Publishing. (2001). Advertising. Surrey: Crimson Publishing. Yadin, D. L. (2001). Creative Marketing Communications: A Practical Guide to Planning, Skills and Techniques. London: Kogan Page Publishers. This report on GWS Personnel Motorsport was written and submitted by user Christine Maldonado to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Relationship between Literature and Gender in A Room Of One’s Own Essays
Relationship between Literature and Gender in A Room Of One’s Own Essays Relationship between Literature and Gender in A Room Of One’s Own Essay Relationship between Literature and Gender in A Room Of One’s Own Essay Essay Topic: The Glass Castle Ts Eliot Poems How does Woolf understand the relationship between literature, sex and gender in A Room Of One’s Own? The relations between literature and gender are historically complicated with issues of economic and social discrimination. Woman’s writing is still a relatively new area, and Woolf examines how their creativity has been hampered by poverty and oppression. Women have not produced great works like those of Shakespeare, Milton and Coleridge, and she sees this as a result not only of the degrading effects of patriarchy on the mind but of the relative poverty of the female sex. A woman ‘must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction. ’ Men have historically fed money back into the systems that keep them in power, and made it legally impossible for a woman to have her own money. The narrator’s two meals at ‘Oxbridge’ illustrate the institutional sexism in the education system, with the poorer woman’s college providing a mediocre meal compared to the one at the men’s. Furthermore, a woman’s traditional role as a child bearer leaves no time to earn; and without such independence, women are shut up in the houses of their husbands or fathers without the privacy needed to write without interruptions. Woolf demonstrates such interruptions within the text as the narrator’s thoughts are often hindered; she has an idea which is ‘exciting and important’ which is forgotten as ‘the figure of a man rose up to intercept me. ’ She is forbidden to enter the library, a strong symbol of the denial of education and knowledge to women. In considering the extent and effect of these inequalities, she discovers that she has been thinking not objectively but with anger. Although ‘one does not like to be told that one is naturally the inferior of a little man,’ she is aware that anger disrupts what should be a clear and rational mind. However, it appears that the men in power, the ‘professors,’ are also angry. They insist quite aggressively upon the inferiority of woman, but Woolf believes that the professor is in fact ‘not concerned with their inferiority, but with his own superiority. Without confidence we are but ‘babes in the cradle,’ and the quickest way to gain this invaluable quality is simply by ‘thinking that other people are inferior to oneself. ’ Thus the narrator see’s the professor’s degradation of woman as a ‘looking glass’ effect, with a woman serving to reflect the figure of a man ‘at twice his natural size. â€⠄¢ With her five hundred pounds a year, the narrator has a personal and creative freedom which allows her to be detached and objective. While woman in fiction tend to be of ‘utmost importance,’ in real life they are ‘completely insignificant. In order to believe in himself the patriarch must not have his power challenged; and this accounts for the wider societal hostility towards the woman writer. Like Currer Bell and Mary Shelly, women are forced into anonymity by the sense of chastity dictated to them. For society met the woman writer, unlike the male, not with ‘indifference but hostility. ’ Such brutal hostility is indeed why it would be near impossible for a sixteenth century woman to write the works of Shakespeare. Woolf uses a hypothetical example of a fictional sister of Shakespeare, Judith, to illustrate this. She has the same gift as her bother, but she wouldn’t have been send to school. She would have been told to mend stockings when caught reading; she would have to hide her work. To escape a forced marriage, Judith would run away, and at the stage door when she said she wanted to act, as her brother had, ‘men laughed in her face. ’ Alone and now an outcast, she would have inevitably ended up with child, a broken chastity which severed completely her from the wider world. Driven to madness and then suicide, she would die in obscurity. Indeed society’s outcasts are often such women, who, suffering with their gift, are taken to near madness as that figure of a man always rises to intercept them. The tales of those who are on the fringes of society are of ‘witches;’ perhaps suppressed poets and novelists who were ‘crazed with the torture’ that their gift had caused them. A sixteenth century woman with Shakespeare’s gift would have ‘ended her days in some lonely cottage outside the village, half witch, half wizard, feared and mocked at. Such women are so far from the normal expectations of femininity that they are stripped of humanity and made unnatural half male and female, ‘witch and wizard. ’ With the ‘enormous body of masculine opinion’ against her intellectual capabilities, a woman would have her mind ‘strained and her vitality lowered. ’ While Shakespeare’s mind was ‘incandescent,’ allowing intellectual freed om and genius, a woman’s mind will be like of Lady Winchilsea; ‘harassed and distracted with hates and grievances. ’ Lady Winchilsea suffered from these hates and her poems show it. Her feelings seem inevitable given the ‘sneers and the laughter’ that a woman writer would experience. Duchess Margaret of Newcastle was certainly called mad, her untutored intelligence running out in ‘torrents of rhyme and prose,’ her wits ‘turned with solitude and freedom. ’ For Judith, ‘had she survived, whatever she had written would have been twisted and deformed, issuing from a strained and morbid imagination. ’ And it would have been deemed insignificant. The narrator asserts that the values of woman often differ from the values of men and ‘yet is it the masculine values that prevail. This is invariably transferred from life to fiction, and if the writer is to explore their world, then the feelings of woman in a drawing room make for an insignificant book, not as valuable as a book about war. In order to write War and Peace, Tolstoi’s many and varied experiences of the world were invaluable, and he could not have written is if he had lived in the seclusion of Eliot or the Bronte’s. This is why Austen writes with so much integrity, simply using her many observations of the common sitting room, where ‘personal relations were always before her eyes. Anger interferes with the integrity of Charlotte Bronte, and the narrator believes that we ‘constantly feel an acidity which is a result of oppression,’ in her writing. More importantly however, like other woman novelists she is distracted and changed by patriarchal criticism. The female novelist ended up ‘thinking of something other then the thing in itself,’ by ‘admitting that she was ‘only a woman’ or protesting that she was ‘as good as a man. ’ The criticism makes them acutely aware of their gender, with the following anger causing them to write about themselves, not their subjects. Austen and Emily Bronte did not alter their values ‘in deference to the opinions of others. ’ They have lasted because they wrote ‘as woman write, not as men write. ’ The man’s sentence, though perfect for Johnson and Dickens, is ‘unsuited for a woman’s use,’ and Austen adapted it to what felt natural for her. The shape of a novel is also built by men, but while other forms of literature were hardened and set in a male dominated literary tradition the novel was ‘young enough to be soft in her hands. Women wrote novels because they were adapted to their needs, and ‘framed so that they do not need long hours of steady and uninterrupted work. ’ The nineteen year old Mary Shelly was a silent listener amongst her husband’s intellectual circle. Self educated, she wrote Frankenstein which was published in 1818, however many believed it to be her husbands work as a young girl could surly not write such a dark stor y. John Wilson Crokers review said the author could be as mad as his hero. Her protagonist, Victor Frankenstein, locks himself in seclusion to create. His creation, like Shelly’s novel, is in itself a hideous progeny, a name she gave to her own novel which seemed at the time to be so unfeminine’ as to be monstrous. But for or the female novelist expressing values thought of as just feminine and thus so far unexplored by the great male writers, ‘so much as been left out, unatempted’ Mary Cavendish’s Life’s Adventure begins to tentatively express the relationship between two female characters, whereas such relations are expressed by male writers ‘are too simple,’ such as Cleopatra’s simple jealously towards Octavia in Anthony and Cleopatra. For fictitious woman are shown ‘almost without exception’ just in their relation to men, which narrator points out that that is but a small part of a women’s life. Men cannot give an interesting or truthful account about the other sex who are just ‘married against their will, kept in one room, and to one occupation. ’ Therefore the ‘only possible interpreter’ is love, forcing the dramatist to view woman in the lover’s extremes of passion or bitterness. This explains the antithetical nature of woman in fiction and the few parts they play. Nevertheless, women are by far the most popular topic among male writers, and in their daily lives they sought out female company. For only a woman, the narrator believes, can show ‘some different order and system of life, and the contrast between this world and his own. ’ The natural differences would ensure that the ‘dried ideas in him would be fertilized anew. ’ It is women that renew male creative power, and so ‘every Johnson has this Thrale, and holds her fast. A woman’s own creative power ‘differs greatly from the creative power of men,’ and these differences should be nurtured as woman have the ability to see what the man cannot; himself. The narrator describes a ‘spot the size of a shilling at the back of the head which one can never see for oneself, and thus ‘a true picture of man as a whole can never be painted until a woman has describes that spot. ’ Frankenstein’s monster, though an outcast, is self educated and intelligent. However the values of the outside world dictate that his body is monstrous and he can never be accepted; one feels perhaps the anger and segregation of patriarchy, the chip in Shelly’s shoulder. And yet he shows Frankenstein to himself in resembling the darkness of his creator. The monster is a subversion of nature, not only because of his reanimated corpses limbs but because he is the child of just one parent; a father. The difference of sex should be embraced within the creative process, as ‘a mind that is purely masculine cannot create, any more then a mind that is purely feminine. Not to think specially or separately of sex is to write with an androgynous mind which is truly clear. When the narrator reads a man’s work she finds it somewhat blocked, for in asserting his own superiority he is not only ‘inhibited and self conscious’ but writing with just the male side of his brain, with a mind ‘separated into different chambers. ’ Woman not only find such books dull in their perpetual emphasis on male values, but inaccessible. Thus the perfect state in which to create is in which some ‘marriage of opposites’ has been consummated. The narrator suggests that the men of Italy working to develop fiction in the Fascist era can only produce a ‘horrid little abortion,’ with an unnatural birth in a kind of ‘incubator. ’ One is again reminded of Frankenstein’s monster which, like Fascist’s poetry, will ‘never live long,’ for ‘poetry ought to have a mother as well as a father. ’ It is therefore ‘fatal’ for a writer think of their sex. Shelly herself creates a man who unnaturally gives birth;’ thus his creation is an ‘abortion, and for it he loses his humanity. She was clearly aware of the dangerous and alienating effects of creativity. Frankenstein looks at his creation as his inferior, stressing the monsters inhumanity in an attempt to bring back his own fading humanity. The monster, who show’s him for the thoughtless creator he is, becomes a terrible looking glass. Frankenstein sees the sleeping monster as beautiful in sleep, yet horrific in waking, an antithesis which mirrors the patriarchs. An outcast, a monster, is a woman with a gift, and thus her work is ‘disfigured and deformed. Whether Shelly’s monstrous progeny is an example of this or she reflects patriarchal attitudes in the segregation of the monster, she is nevertheless an example of one who does not ‘sacrifice’ a vision for others; she writes as she wishes to write. Woolf hopes that others will take this further and acknowledge that ‘our relation is to the world of reality and not to the world of men and woman. ’ But before there can be complete integrity and equality within literature, all writers must have ‘money, and a room of ones own. ’
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Accounting - Essay Example Cash flow statement is prepared separately to account for all the cash transactions and determine the hard cash position of the business apart from its profitability and sales figures, etc. If accounting was only based on cash, no credit transactions could have been made; in fact we would have been violating the principle of â€Å"Going Concern†. When we say businesses are a going concern, we usually pass entries to close accounts for an accounting period by transferring the balances to the next accounting cycle. This is done because business transaction keep on taking place as business activities and operations are executed. The key accounting concept for using the accruals versus cash is that the profits & losses are not actually documented by a business at the same time when the cash transaction is made. In fact the two transactions are totally separate from each other and have different accounting treatments. Profits and losses of any business are the outcome of its operations and revenue generating activities which circulate around the ‘income’ and ‘expense’ heads of accounting for that business. This involves expectation of cash inflows and outflows at a later date as well as deferred cash transaction or prepayments, etc. that needs settlement in a later period. Income and expense determine the cash that you might have eared or lost at the end of the day, when all the corresponding cash transaction have been made but they strictly do not mean that cash has changed hands. We record the income and expenses in the period they are incurred in order to complying with accounting standards (Weygandt, Kieso, & Kimmel,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
In postcolonial contemporary societies there are no longer any Essay
In postcolonial contemporary societies there are no longer any frontiers, only borders'. Critically consider this view and con - Essay Example The colonial states therefore created order within the colonial territories and hence the possibility of conflict emerging between different communities was limited to certain levels due to reduced interaction. This also saw the reduction in the cultural diversity and the exchange of cultural values between different colonial societies. The postcolonial state and the freedom that has been created as a result of revolution within different countries have resulted into different consequences to the society. According to Singh & Schmidt (2009), these consequences are directly or indirectly related to the artificial boundaries that were created by the colonial power. It is important to note that the post colonial and the decolonization movements adopted the boundaries that were created by these colonialists and hence created a nation state. Even though it was imagined that the nation so created is different from the colonial one, it was not different, the nation remained the same through out. The concept of imprisonment within the territories created the state nations through colonial territorial cartographies. It is this state nation that resulted to the creations of borders in which the frontiers territories were lost. However, the creation of borders has resulted into certain benefits within the borders with regard to the interaction with other nation states. However, it has dismantled the order that existed before and hence has resulted to certain adverse impacts. The problems that have been created by the building of the nation states include; the problems of minorities, ethno-nationalism, sub-state nationalism, ethnicities and separatism (French, 2000). All these have resulted from the diversity in the territorial lands that were converted into the nation states. The root causes of all these problems are the increasing interaction between different communities that has increased the vulnerability of conflict. This can be described as globalization often termed as economic globalization which is the increase in the levels of interaction between individuals and other business entities. This has increased the way individuals access information, perform business, transfer information, competition and the general flow of capital in different economies. This has resulted into the positive impacts as well as the negative consequences. Globalization refers to the integration of regional economies, cultures and societies with regard to transportation, communication and trade. The concept also describes the changes that have taken place in the contemporary society with regard to the interaction and socialization process across the world. The society that has gone through this concept is therefore said to be globalized. While many scholars argue that globalization has resulted into the increased benefits, others have taken contrary opinion, stating that this has resulted into more bad than good. The latter school of argument asserts that globalizat ion has increased the possibility of the intra-national conflicts and the international conflicts while reducing intercultural contacts (Steger, 2009). In this context, it is evident that there is increasing concern and debate about the world peace and the international relations. This is because globalization and the creation of the borders have interfered by the territorial system and there is no longer secrecy or
Monday, November 18, 2019
Doctrine of Mistake in Common Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Doctrine of Mistake in Common Law - Case Study Example In some other cases even when the contract is valid in law, it may be rendered voidable in equity on the ground of mistake. The general thinking used to be that mistakes could not be operative in law until in case of Kleinwort Benson v Liverpool City Council3 when the House of Lords declared that this rule is not part of English law. Treitel4 has considered the laws relating to mistake under five headings: Common Mistake; Mutual Mistake; Unilateral Mistake; Mistake as to Identity; Mistake Relating to Documents. While commentators are not agreed as to the classifications of Mistake, Treitel5 in his book; The Laws of contract, 11th edition, deals with Mistake by contrasting Mistake nullifying consent (Parties reach agreement which is based on a fundamental mistaken assumption) with Mistake negativing consent (Where mistake prevents the parties from reaching an agreement e.g. where they intend to contract about different things). Some commentators have gone on to divide mistake into two parts, that is, common mistake shared by the parties, and mistake in communication. In a common mistake shared by both parties, although both parties apparently in agreement, have entered into the contract on the basis of a false and fundamental assumption. It is called common mistake since both parties make the same mistake. The contract is not necessarily void at law in these circumstances. In the case In the case of Bell v Lever Brothers Ltd.6, definition of common mistake in contract law was made. During March of 1929 the Niger Company, which dealt in trade in the western African area, was merging with a rival company and wanted to get rid of two employees Mr. Bell and Mr. Snelling, who were hired as chairman and vice-chairman of the company. Chairman D'Arcy Cooper on behalf of Lever Brothers7 made a deal with Bell and Snelling to leave the company in exchange for a sizable compensation (a "Golden handshake8"). At the time of the agreement both parties believed that the employment contract had not been breached and thus the company would not have been able to terminate Bell and Snellings' employment under any other circumstances. It was later revealed that there was in fact grounds for termination at the time of the agreement as Bell and Snelling had used their positions to make a secret profit for themselves. Lever brought an action claiming recission of the compensation agreement because of mistake of fact. At trial the jury found that Bell and Snelling's illicit dealings breached the employment contract and that if the Lever Brothers had known they would not have entered into the agreement. Furthermore, the jury found that at the time of the agreement Bell and Snelling did not have in mind their illicit acts. Lever Brothers pursued the case vigorously as it considered the behavior of Bell and Snelling simply unacceptable. To appreciate this legal battle you have to understand the background of the personalities involved. Francis D'Arcy Cooper - a senior partner with his uncle's accountancy firm Cooper Brothers and staunch Quaker9 - became chairman of audit client Lever Brothers in the early 1920s. He was hired by Lord Leverhulme10 when the banks were threatening to call the loans on the company due to devastating losses incurred by the newly acquired Niger Company that crippled Lever Brothers. Cooper arranged financing from Barclays Bank under the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Unilateral Action by the Obama Administration
Unilateral Action by the Obama Administration Introduction One of the main features of the American system of government is the push and pull between the executive and legislative branches when it comes to the extension of powers of the federal government (Ellis, 2015: 403). Furthermore, the issue of the unilateral action taken by the executive in order to advance certain political issues has also been a source of great controversy throughout American political history. In the first part of the paper, there will be a treatment of differences between the perspective on unilateral action taken by the Obama administration and that espoused by Senator Ted Cruz. The second section of the paper tackles the level of impact of unilateral action as a tool for political change. The differences between the perspective on unilateral action taken by the Obama administration and Senator Ted Cruz Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) compiled a list in which he outlines a series of important occasions in which President Obama implemented decisions regarding issues affecting public life through the use of executive fiat. Senator Cruz’s list outlined some general areas where President Obama used executive fiat, included provisions regarding the entitlement to stay in the country for certain groups of immigrants and the recognition of same-sex marriage in the state of Utah (Cruz, 2014). At the same time, Senator Cruz’s list also included the implementation of provisions regarding Obamacare, national security, measures that affected the American economy, appointments to positions in the federal government and the adoption of measures concerning free speech and privacy. In addition to this, the list compiled by Senator Cruz specified certain â€Å"abuses of power†allegedly committed by the executive that appears to be tantamount to mere political stances typical of any incumbent president (Cruz, 2014). At the very core of Senator Cruz’s stance, there is a clear indication regarding his disapproval on how these moves expanded the power of the federal government. The Senator backed up its claims by issuing a warning regarding the dangers of departing from the idea laid down by the Founding Father, which concerns the need to ensure that the United States will continue to be a â€Å"Republic of Laws, and not of Men†(Cruz, 2014). A cursory look at the list compiled by the White House shows that the president used executive order, as granted to him by the law, in order to put forward provisions that would advance his agenda on progressive issues (Presidents News Conference, 2014). For example, during 2014, which the White House branded as the â€Å"year of action†, there was a particular interest placed on equal employment opportunity, fair pay for workers and environmental issues (The American Presidency Project, 2014). The evidence presented in both lists suggests that although the executive took unilateral action on a number of issues deemed to be of paramount importance to the Obama administration, those were mostly dealt through the issuing of executive orders (White House statement, 2014). It appears that the main difference between the list of executive orders issued by the Obama administration and the list provided by Senator Cruz resides in the fact that the latter concentrates on minute actions that may not even be directly attributed to the President but to the different departments of the executive. There is, in this context, a highly tendentious element attached to the Senator’s list. The executive highlighted the need to collaborate with the U.S. Congress in the passing of legislation. However, the contents of the executive order issued by the president also have, in spite of the president’s pragmatic position, a clearly partisan slant, as seen in the interest placed on environmental and healthcare issues (Rudalevige in Rockman, Rudalevige and Campbell (eds.), 2011: 190). A close examination of both lists demonstrates that the one compiled by Senator Cruz is mostly centred on the unilateral actions taken by the White House without using executive orders. There is therefore a considerable difference between the two lists. This indicates the political element attached to the extension of the federal government and the way in which the U.S. Congress, in this case through the auspices of Senator Cruz, acts as a balancer in the quest of the executive to be the main determinant of the course of events in American politics. The impact of unilateral action on the continuation of the status quo From the examination of both lists, it transpires that the power of the executive in order to exert political change seems to be curtailed by the need to attain a good working relationship with the U.S. Congress; a fundamental feature of the U.S. system of government, based on the principle of checks and balances. At the same time, the discretionary use of executive powers remains a controversial area in U.S. politics (Ellis, 2015: 405). The ability of the executive to advance the causes that it deems necessary to the betterment of society is restrained by the electoral process, which places a great degree of scrutiny on the actions of the president. The Obama administration was able to pass Obamacare and speed up some of the measures pertaining to its implementation at a time when the Democrats had a majority in Congress (Rudalevige in Rockman, Rudalevige and Campbell (eds.), 2011: 183). For all the reasons cited above, it could be argued that unilateral actions can only in very spe cific circumstances become an instrument for the change of the status quo. Conclusion By way of conclusion, it could be posited that the controversy arising from the use of unilateral action on the part of the Obama administration (as seen in the report compiled by Senator Cruz) is indicative of the highly partisan nature of the issue. The findings of these investigations show that the use of discretionary powers by the executive is severely curtailed by the system of checks and balances and the influence exerted by public opinion on the actions of the executive. Bibliography Cruz, T., The Legal limit Report Number 4 The Obama Administrationss Abuse of Power, 2014 Accessed on 11/30/2014 Ellis, R. (2015) The Development of the American Presidency, Routledge, London Presidents News Conference, 1/8/2014 Accessed on 11/22/2014 Rudalevige, A. (2011) Rivals or a Team? Staffing and Issue Management in the Obama Administration in Rockman, B., Rudalevige, A. and Campbell, C. (eds.) The Obama Presidency: Appraisals and Prospects, CQ Press, Washington, DC The American Presidency Project, 2014, List of Executive Orders issues by President Obama Accessed on 11/28/2014 White House statement, 2014, What does a year of action mean, exactly? -Accessed on 11/26/2014
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Pushing Kids to the Limit Essay -- Essays Papers
Pushing Kids to the Limit Children today seem to be involved in many activities outside of school. A number of children may play soccer, swim, play an instrument, and help out around the house while at the same time trying to succeed academically. In many cases, the vast number of sports played by these children is due to the parent’s encouragement, or enforcement. Some parents may enforce after school activities in order to keep their children away from the â€Å"evils of society†: drugs, alcohol, and simply loitering and causing trouble. Unfortunately, at times, the pressure from the parents can have negative effects on the children academically and/or socially. Some reasons that parents push their kids so much, could be the small possibility of a college scholarship or money for the child in the future, keeping their children off the street, or the chance that the parents are living vicariously through their child’s sports glory. Title IX is a law that requires high schools and colleges to give the same amount of money to both girls and boys sports in an attempt to make the genders equal. However, instead of simply equalizing the two sides, this law provides more scholarships for women because they are still competing in fewer sports than men. This will usually peak the parent’s interest, making them believe that there are plenty of scholarships out there for their daughters. Unfortunately this is not exactly true. As Lester Munson, an associate editor at Sports Illustrated, explains it (in an article by Brendan Tierney), â€Å"This is the theory that many parents have that if they start their child young enough, and work him or her hard enough, that he or she will get a college scholarship or become a professional athle... Yes, get children involved in sports and activities. In the long run it will pay off, but please, keep it all in perspective. Works Cited - Shields, David Light. â€Å"Another View: The reality of Olympic dreams for children.†2002. (November 5, 2002). - â€Å"Study show athletes among heaviest college drinkers.†May 7, 1998. Shawnee News Star. (November 16, 2002). - Tierney, Brendan. â€Å"How to Become a Better Sports Parent.†September 18, 2002. (November 3, 2002). - â€Å"Vacation or Training Day? Shanghai Parents Shaping Their Children.†July 23, 2002. Shanghai Star. (November 17, 2002).
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