Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Theory Of Virtue Ethics - 951 Words
The function of this paper is to determine why and how three members of the cast in the videos â€Å"RPG Embedded in Soldier†made the choices they did in relation to the groups of values that are commonly found within the theory of virtue ethics. In short, virtue ethics stresses being an inherently good person versus simply doing good actions. This means that a virtuous person will typically choose the right action simply because it is the natural thing for them to do. Applying this concept to the video will help to further ascertain why the individuals in the video acted the way they did. Moreover, to back the concepts and claims made in this paper specific examples shall be cited from the video clip. As a result, this paper shall contain both concepts contained within virtue ethics and examples from the media piece. Criteria: - Three virtues shall be assigned to each of the chosen cast members based upon the viewpoints they expressed and actions they made - These virtues shall come from the categories: conscientiousness, benevolence, self-discipline, and self-assertion (with respect to others) - Using these virtues and specific examples from the clip, reasons as to why and how they conducted themselves shall be given The Three Chosen Cast Members in Question: - The pilot who violated military policy by flying the wounded soldier to the hospital - The sergeant who helped the doctor perform the surgery to remove the RPG - And the medic who was there when the solder wasShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Virtue Ethics Essay1632 Words  | 7 Pages‘Virtue ethics’, is an agent-centred approach in normative ethics that stresses the importance of moral characters and virtues, which is unlike the two other major approaches in the field (Hursthouse, 2013) . Deontology rather emphasises the use of duties and rules, and utilitarianism emphasises the importance of consequences of one’s actions (Hursthouse, 2001). Aristotle’s (2009) theory of virtue ethics is the most widely recognised, he believes that the virtuous person is one who exhibits desirableRead MoreEthics Or The Virtue Theory2029 Words  | 9 Pages AVirtue ethics or the virtue theory, is an ethical theory that examines the character of a human for morality (Dreisbach, 2013). When discussing the ethical and moral reasoning behind the racial divide of incarceration rates, virtue ethics requires us to evaluate the morality of the person doing a given act, rather than the act itself (Dreisbach, 2013). 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Hence a single summary of VE cannot completely do justice to this theory and the complexity it encompasses. Second, as VE is attempted to be used on more specific cases and is tried to be made more concise, the theory tends to become more inaccurate. The article further suggests the needs for a more comprehensive and specific explanation of virtue ethics. Although thereRead MoreEthics As A General Theory Of Virtue917 Words  | 4 Pages Introduction Ethics went through history of philosophy in several phases. Greeks practiced ethics as a general theory of virtue. Even then, the ethical theories have found a problem that were set by the sophists, who noticed that the ethical attitudes vary from person to person and from nation to nation. Their solution was that, when it is already so, their source moves with any objective reality on the attitudes and choices of the man himself. 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